Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog šŸ•µ

Amazing update! Bit more personality with the picture option!

Fingerprint. Excellent. BUT and I hate to be a downerā€¦ It needs very urgently to offer a back up in case anything happens with fingerprint scannerā€¦ So maybe a backup pin?


and for those unable to use a fingerprint scanner, either due to medical conditions or having a phone without a scanner.

Just gotta wait and see :slight_smile:

Very sure that the monzo team are aware of this concern :wink:

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Iā€™d be interested to hear from any of those users if theyā€™re in the community - whatā€™re your thoughts on this?

To add some more context -


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Android App, Security and Privacy (Fingerprint, Pin, or Password)

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Yes, I know I have a Golden Ticket

A post was merged into an existing topic: Android App, Security and Privacy (Fingerprint, Pin, or Password)

Just noticed a small but welcomed change :blush:

Android Pay branding switched to Google Pay on the top-up screen :sunglasses:



Ooo the fun unrecorded changes keep coming! :tada:

Check out your payments screen :wink::grin:

Wellā€¦ Go on then! :joy:

Ok Iā€™ll spill the beans :yum:

Add contact FAB is now a button at the top of the screen :slight_smile: looks very clean IMO, offers less ā€˜interferenceā€™ with the content on screen :sunglasses:



Is there a way to hide the golden ticket banner?

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Not at the moment, no.

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Iā€™ve just checked, you can logout top right, then login again. It might seem long winded but it still took me less than 30 seconds to get back into the app.



Can anyone from Monzo confirm whether, if I choose to upload a photo, itā€™s stored locally on my device or uploaded to Monzo systems?

Itā€™s uploaded.


ā€¦because, for one thing, it becomes your avatar on your page


I donā€™t think account statements are at the right place. Still not easy to find buried deep in my opinion. Statements could be on account screen with PIN and Add money.

Fingerprint security is just not what it should be. View PIN and payments still need other inputs.

Hope theyā€™ll work to improve these things.

The problem is the settings is basically hidden, so when I saw the thing about statements I floundered around looking for them before remembering to click on the little cog in accounts. The little cloud is way more obvious & will get used more I think.

Someone elsewhere suggested settings go in the overflow menu, which is actually a good ideaā€¦ itā€™s somewhere where people are conditioned to look for things like that.

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Does the add contact button go to Androidā€™s contact app, like on iOS? :thinking:

Yes it does go to default contacts app.

New v1.23.1 ā€¦ logo still jumps on startup fingerprint screen, on cursory glance canā€™t see any changes elsewhere ā€¦ :man_shrugging: