In the intermission between this and the last version, @emmag rolled out “Add notes” to transaction notifications
(borrowing @16bitkieran’s image )
Today’s the day, 2.28.1 has landed 

This update brings many exciting features - including a fan favourite
… A customisable app icon This came and went due to a bug with multitasking back in version 2.19.0 (2.19.1 swiftly arrived to disable the selection)
I’ve gained an icon since the last time Now I can see a shiny golden investor icon
Some other exciting features include:
Snowy app! Just give your phone a shake and watch the magic
~~It's a Monzo-ey Christmas 🎅 - #11 by nexusmaniac
Snow was teased but there is none
Opt out of marketing is a new toggle 
The people have spoken and Monzo have added it
A known bug
Just to head off one known issue: if you’re using Shared Tabs 2.28.0, some of the additions require all members of that tab to be on 2.28.0 (if they’re on Android - they can update at any time, your tab will stay fine, but in the meantime, it’ll look broken for them on 2.27.0).
This won’t affect too many of us (hopefully) Besides, if nothing goes pear shaped, this version will be shipped out to the masses next week
2.27.0 won’t be around for long