Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog 🕵

In the intermission between this and the last version, @emmag rolled out “Add notes” to transaction notifications :hot_coral_heart:

(borrowing @16bitkieran’s image :innocent:)

Today’s the day, 2.28.1 has landed :tada::tada:

This update brings many exciting features - including a fan favourite :eyes:
… A customisable app icon :heart_eyes: This came and went due to a bug with multitasking back in version 2.19.0 (2.19.1 swiftly arrived to disable the selection)

I’ve gained an icon since the last time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Now I can see a shiny golden investor icon :wink::money_mouth_face:

Some other exciting features include:

Snowy app! :snowflake::grin: Just give your phone a shake and watch the magic :tada:
~~It's a Monzo-ey Christmas 🎅 - #11 by nexusmaniac

Snow was teased but there is none :eyes:

Opt out of marketing is a new toggle :blush:

The people have spoken and Monzo have added it :tada:

A known bug :bug:

Just to head off one known issue: if you’re using Shared Tabs 2.28.0, some of the additions require all members of that tab to be on 2.28.0 (if they’re on Android - they can update at any time, your tab will stay fine, but in the meantime, it’ll look broken for them on 2.27.0).

This won’t affect too many of us (hopefully) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Besides, if nothing goes pear shaped, this version will be shipped out to the masses next week :tada: 2.27.0 won’t be around for long :yum: