Monzo Flex Low Credit Limit

Hi, I recently signed upto a Monzo Flex card and unfortunately I was given a low £250 credit limit.

My credit score is very high, and all of my cards are typically high credit limits, typically £9000+

I am not sure how I get it increased, can’t talk to anyone to discuss why it’s low.

Any help appreciated.


You’ll only get what you’re offered, regardless of your fabulous credit score.

Keep an eye on the app back and forth and you may get offered an increase in the coming months.

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It’s Monzo. You can’t for a long time.

It doesn’t matter who you talk to, they won’t increase it for you.

Your made up credit score doesn’t mean anything.

Your credit score on its own doesn’t mean anything.

All banks layer in many other factors to determine how much they want to risk lending you.

The fact that you’ve already got lots of credit may be one. You’ll never know.

Understand but I actually don’t have much credit other than my mortgage. What I can’t seem to do is to talk to someone to discuss this.

No point even keeping the card with such a low limit, would be nice to talk to a human being :blush:

You can talk to someone via the app. But they won’t increase your limit.

Nobody will be able to help even if you talk to them. Most banks would tell you to wait X months before requesting an increase.

Do you use Monzo for all your banking?

Even if you did the limit won’t change. Whatever algorithm they use to determine limits has returned this limit and they won’t be able to change it.

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You have to use it and pay back later. You will be offered higher limit after 3-6 months.
Credit score is just a number. All lenders want to see how you use your credit cards. If you just opened them and never used this is not a good sign for them

Just as an example of how meaningless credit scores are, I recently almost maxed out my HSBC Premier card due to taking advantage of a 0% purchase offer. My credit scores are still “excellent” yet, when I look at my credit card offers in Credit Karma, ClearScore and Experian, there is only one credit builder card. It says that I’m ineligible for all others.

It’s clear why - I’ve pretty much maxed out one of my cards. I still have over £30K of credit available on my other cards so I don’t need or want another card, so I’m not at all bothered. I’ll be below 50% usage on that card in a couple of months, anyway, because HSBC are raising the credit limit (without me asking) and, of course, I’m paying off the purchase every month, too.