We’re planning to shoot a short video celebrating exactly what it means to be part of the Monzo community, and we need your help!
Comfortable in front of the camera? Fancy sharing your thoughts and experiences with the wider community? Whether you’re excited by a shared vision for the future of banking, or have met some amazing people through one of our Open Office events, this film is a brilliant opportunity to tell your story and showcase why the Monzo community is something we should all be proud of. No one says it better than you, plus Monzo users are a pretty photogenic bunch
As much as we’d like to, we won’t be able to feature everyone, but if all goes well, there will be plenty of other opportunities to be a part of other community led creative ideas in the future.
You’ll need to be free on the afternoon of Tuesday the 21st of February, and within travelling distance of our Old Street offices where the shoot will take place. Please feel free to post questions here or DM me if there’s anything I’ve missed Oh, and did we mention we’ll shower you with sweet treats and appreciative gestures for your time??
To be completely honest, I don’t think we’ll be sure until we hear them! I know that’s not super helpful We the want the video to echo the scope of experience and perspectives that we hear from our users on a daily basis through the forum, via social media and in person.
A couple of examples of things which would be really interesting to hear about:
Maybe Monzo has helped solve a unique problem in your everyday life?
Beyond the product itself, is there a particular aspect of the Monzo community which has resonated with you?
As we have a crowdfunding round fast approaching it would great to hear from some existing investors on their motivations for being involved last time round and hopes for the future.
I hope this gives you a better idea of the type of things we have in mind