[monzo.com] "Earn money on your money" is awkward

“Earn money on your money” does not make sense. This looks like a mistype, which is meant to read “Earn money from your money”.

Details to reproduce: Go to monzo.com ==> scroll down to the section titled “Make the most of your money”.


cf “Earn interest on your money”

I think that reads fine as does the line above

Opinions will of course vary!


I agree that this makes sense. “Earn money on your money” seems jarring though.

NB: it’s the “on” I have an issue with, not the repetition of “money”.

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It’s awkward but i don’t think there’s anything technically wrong with it.

—used as a function word to indicate a source of dependence
// you can rely on me
// feeds on insects
// lives on a pension

—used as a function word to indicate reduplication or succession in a series
// loss on loss
// trouble on trouble

From is probably more accurate, and probably makes more sense, and likely better meets Monzos ‘language’.


If you say it with an American accent, tho :man_shrugging:

There is definitely a US twang coming through


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Perhaps as part of the US launch, Monzo will use quintessentially British wording in their copy over there? :laughing:

“One can earn money from one’s money”?


I’d say ‘from’ is nicer, rather than ‘on’.
The on sounds like a shortened ‘on top of’ which sounds awkward.

The ‘from’ indicates that the new money will be earnt from your existing money, than a new income.

‘Earn interest from your money’ is the clearest to me. I’m going to be receiving interest and that is from my money.

However the next line explaining has interest on your ‘savings’ rather than the word ‘money’ which is also an issue. Money can be any purpose.

I don’t think the word interest needs to be dumbed down.


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I suppose they are saying that the money you earn in interest is “on top of” the money in the pot and therefore money on your money - Whilst a tad jarring I think it goes along with how Monzo are trying to reduce the reading age of its documents and general feel. Interest for those not in the know can be quite a confusing thing.

I would suggest changing it to “Free money” :rofl:

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Or if it could just say

“Earn Interest on your money”

There is no need to talk to the customer like they are 5 years old.


Considering the average reading age of the UK is 12 and national publications readership age is lower than that (The Sun is 9) it makes sense to ensure things come across properly.

Monzo released an interesting article about it the other week: https://monzo.com/blog/2019/05/03/writing-clear-terms-and-conditions/

Exclude the red-top tabloids and the average age (and IQ) dramatically increases :laughing:

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Of course - but you have to account for the lowest common denominator - everyone can have use of a bank account and savings pots - so ensuring the language is clear is crucial (not to mention a regulatory requirement).

But more to your point - it is very funny to see the reading ages! :rofl::rofl:

I think the use of ‘on’ is fine. The same way we say ‘earn interest on’.

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I think issue is losing readability and introducing ambiguity when simplifying.

‘money on yur money’ sounds like it’s lyrics from a rap song.


I also don’t see how “Money on money” is more simple than “Money from money”.

In this case of why swap the word ‘interest’ with ‘money’ in the title rather than the on/from. But I’ve seen cases in their copywriting where they have taken the idea of simplifying to the extent it becomes harder to read and understand. Interest is how the additional money is going to be achieved rather than doing say an odd job for them.

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On the other hand, if you decrease the reading level do you just encourage lower reading comprehension?

How else are people to learn?