I’m not aware of any startups that have a live integration with Monzo, probably due to the fact that the initial release of Monzo’s public API isn’t finished yet, but here are a few waiting to integrate:
Using moneyboxapp.com to invest change from purchases (round ups). A Monzo integration would be great.
This is a clever idea that I’ve just come across. It’s a bot, called Chip , that integrates with your current account, analyses your recent spending to calculate how much you can spare and every few days it debits a small amount and transfers it to a savings account. Spend more and you’ll save less. Spend less and you’ll save more.
I’m sceptical that it might put me into my overdraft, but they guarantee never to do that so I’m giving it a fair shot.
I’d really like a Monzo integration, but I’m …
Not a direct competitor of Monzo, as it’s not a bank and doesn’t appear to have any aspirations to become one, but Pariti have some pretty nice features around forecasting ones financial activity across multiple accounts, both debit, credit and savings and is able to predict when a person will be free of debt based upon spending and savings habits. I know cash flow forecasting is on the roadmap, under the better budgeting feature I think I’m right in saying.
As Monzo is building a bank to help …