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2 January 2019 16:43
I think the discussion in this topic is becoming the same as this one. They are arguably the same from the outset too.
As an investor I would be interested in hearing from other investors on the short to long term goals you think monzo should aim for?
I’ve been following monzo for at least year and have started to pick up on what monzo does well as opposed to things I wish it did, or wish it did better, here are my thoughts, I would be interested in hearing yours.
Especially since the OP is posting the same statements in each, thus the same things are being repeated so it is getting messy and repetitive.
I like the idea of Monzo opening its platform to a web-based form so that we can view our account details online on are laptops/desktops etc. I believe this is the main reason why a large majority of my family are prevented from using Monzo as their bank of choice.
I also believe that your statement regarding face-to-face connections is vital for anyone dealing with my finances. I believe that in the near future - Monzo will have to look at developing a call centre or helpline etc.
I found mys…
This is my response from another thread in regards to Monzo and its human interaction, or more particularly its lack of human interaction…
I feel as the bank grows it will need to adapt and take a few traditional banking methods along with it that work well for example call centres and helplines where one can speak to an agent direct to discuss any issues/problems they may be having with their finances etc. I am aware this bank is still in its early stage of development and thus its unlikely to…
Can one of the Coral Crew (@Dannytc , @glasgow , @Peter_G etc ) or @yen tidy them up by removing the off topic discussion around recruitment and perhaps merging this topic with the one linked above?