Money Dashboard

Hi there, Sean from the Money Dashboard team here. Unfortunately at the moment we don’t receive merchant information for Monzo direct debits via the API. We’re in contact with the Monzo team to see if getting that data will be possible in the near future!

Hi Sean, thanks for resolving this. There seems to be another issue. When a transaction is declined, it still shows up in the transactions list as a debit. The balance is still correct, but if I then go and pay the declined amount manually, it shows up as two separate transactions in my budgets. All it needs is for transactions that were declined not to show up at all. It would also be helpful if the transactions section could show a running balance.

KInd regards


Hi Robert, thanks for highlighting. At the moment we pull in all transactions, even if they’re marked as declined. It looks like the Monzo API does include a ‘decline_reason’ field so we could feasibly exclude these if that would be helpful for you and others.

I’ll flag this with our tech and design team to see what the best solution is - and If any others in this thread feel the same it would be great to get that feedback to influence how we approach handling declined transactions.

In the meantime, if you’re getting duplicates one workaround would be to use our duplicate removal feature on the web app transactions page so you don’t get any double counting problems.

Just started using Money Dashboard and really love it! Is there any way I can exclude movement to my Interrailing pot from the total money moved? Like that I can see the net change.



I have been using it for years, once slight issue I have found with Monzo accounts is you get loads of accounts for pots and its difficult to hide them when they no longer exist.

If you go to ACCOUNTS at the top of the screen and click that you will see all those you have set up. On the far right of the line for each account are three dots in vertical orientation. Click that and you will see the opportunity to remove that account. R-


@DipperDolphin is that for a specific report that you’re hoping to exclude the transaction? If you’re looking at your ‘Outgoings by group’ chart, you can exclude specific categories from the reporting (e.g Transfers) so that they don’t inflate your spending figure.

After Monzo and Freetrade I’m most excited about the Money Dashboard Crowdcube raise? Anyone got info on likely timescales? With 200k users I think they’ll also crash Crowdcube.

I stopped using Money Dashboard and replaced it with Emma as I found tagging much easier on Emma. Personally Im not sure how financially they will be able to generate a revenue, think they will just get bought out.

Tagging in Emma is about to get even better too

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This is actually my favourite money management tool. Surprised it’s not been on here before, and now they are giving away shares so there is even more of a reason to sign up.
Use my referral link to get the shares and see if you like it. I think they have more useful information and connections. They are just not as graphical as Emma or Moneyhub.

Should add this to the referral wiki.

Here is my referral link:

Thanks for sharing! Will I be able to sell these shares in the future?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for sharing, just signed up and downloaded the app. Will be a big help with my other saving accounts.

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I think so they talk about floating on the markets.

I tried Money Dashboard a while back and ended up going with Emma for a few reasons.

One thing I didn’t like about Money DB was it seemed to require me to manually assign category tags to transactions, unlike Emma which auto-tagged (I appreciate forced manual tagging may be seen as a plus by some). Does it start auto-tagging after you’ve used it for a while?

On the plus side, Money DB does support a much larger range of banks and financial institutions than Emma.

It does auto tagging now which makes life a lot easier. Is it as good as Emma at it? Probably not but I got mine tuned now so very rarely tag anything.

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About 6 months ago I went through all the money management sites/apps I could find and eventually found moneydashboard the best for me due to the simplicity and being about the only one that supported Intelligent Finance!

It’s been great up to last month when a number of transaction on my Lloyds Credit card didn’t show up although future ones did and there seems to be no way of adding them manually. This is despite the accounts regulatory “updating” at least once a day. It’s really annoying that my February data is now incorrect after 6 months of useful data!

An option to add transactions manually would be great.