Hey everyone! I’m Roxy - I’ve just joined the Content Team.
Based on the success of past saving trends we’ve written about (like the 1p Savings Challenge) – we thought it would be a good idea to spread awareness of the saving little and often method or ‘micro-saving’ as we know it’s worked for lots of people!
I use the round-up feature and would love to see a multiplier feature for this to boost savings. Can’t do 1p saver challenge on joint accounts though.
For those that get paid monthly not sure I can see any benefit in something like £1 a day, I budget monthly/annually so I would just save £30 a month instead.
Whilst I get paid monthly and aside from IFTTT I do agree doing the “batch” saving is more beneficial for me I have to admit pots have made it so “incremental” savings is possible and attractive.
I booked a holiday with my friends and decided how much I’d like to bring - worked out how many days it was until the holiday and divided the amount I wanted by days left which gave me a “per day” amount to schedule into a pot - whilst I could’ve done this month by month - because it isn’t “clean” in terms of when I’m going - doing these little savings movements has made it easier to digest if you will.
I do the 1p saving using IFTTT and find it useful as I don’t notice it the same way I would saving the same amount in once go, feels like I’m not sacrificing to save.
So todays £1.50 went and it wouldn’t have gotten me coffee on the way to work Where as transferring a lump each month that has a more tangible value to it… a new game… new jeans… gig tickets…
The total of the 1p challenge (£667.95) isn’t going to buy me a new car at the end of the year granted but a nice side saving for a raining day or when those tickets go on sale .