Merchant Data Corrections

It’s the same as always, that’s what was confusing me!

It’s PAYPAL *PATREON MEMBE then a 10 digit number and CA - this number and CA were in the middle of the old merchant address, interestingly.

Can you drop me a DM and I’ll take a look when I get chance (I’m on “holiday” until Thursday night but I’ll try get it sorted before then)


Happy birthday :partying_face:


Thank you :hot_coral_heart:


Happy Birthday have a wonderful day :slight_smile:


Today I was notified that one of my long standing corrections turned 18 months old today :roll_eyes: :tada:. Still not fixed. 18 months later.

It caused so much confusion this morning as Google Domains showed as Google and took me a while to work out it was a domain renewal. I had the same issue the same date last year. Now I have four Googles in my feed today, one for Google Cloud, two for Google Workspaces (does not even use the old name), and one for Google Domains.

How am I supposed to know which service the payment amount is for?

At least they are all Google in my feed, which is better than Northern Rail, which adds confusion as it likes to be called ScotRail :roll_eyes:.


Adam D. Horden

omg omg omg Uber Eats has been fixed :astonished::astonished::astonished::roll_eyes:

for now :rofl:

Harlees has finally been updated, but to a different selfie again this time. How does this get approved :roll_eyes:


Local council car park charges are still showing as being from “District Coun” instead of ‘Council’, despite months of trying to get it fixed. I don’t mind missing logos so much, but needless abritrary truncation is like nails on a blackboard to me :sob:

Some sort of running gag surely? And that’s just a Monzo employee who happens to bear the same name?! :joy:

Quite a few I’ve submitted in the last couple of weeks are still unchanged.

Not surprised :slightly_frowning_face:

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I had given up, but it’s great to know that the sole saviour of merchant data is still at it :muscle:t4: @Dan5

If you get a chance on your next clear up, could you have a look at my submissions please :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

I’ve still a lot outstanding. Maybe there’s a cut off period so you’d need to submit again? Though it’s pretty disheartening when there’s no feedback on the process.

I wished Monzo would volunteer this out. I’d be all over it :sweat_smile:


s/volunteer this out/pay me to fix it/

Don’t undervalue your worth! :+1:

Ha! Good point. Pay me Monzo!

DVLA direct debit just shows as no logo with the registration after DVLA

Pay by yearly direct debit as no Amex option so may as well have automatic renewals.

I really hope Monzo gets on top of these in 2021, now they’ve launched Plus and Premium…

I’ve got several outstanding too, but nowhere near 18 months old!


I’m surprised some BT transactions still aren’t fixed!

The logo for direct debits usually appears when the first payment it taken or thats the case when I have set up ones for mobiles etc. When the instruction is added there is no logo.

I like that because I pay for a few, so I know which one is for which vehicle.