Meet the next generation: Monzo for Under 16s 🎉

Here we go!

Tapping on ‘Share payment link’ gets you a link to share. I’ll go through the link share/payment process later to see how it works.


Is this live? I can’t see it anywhere.

It is for me (:android: beta). A pop-up above the cards appeared:

I’ve just emailed a link to myself. The link shows a nice easy web-based payment similar to the service. With a bit more Monzo advertising…

Never mind ‘Uncle Jim’ - what happened to ‘Uncle David’? :man_shrugging:


Move over Uncle David, Grandma @jo is here.


Monzo obviously just love me so much…

I’m taking it as a sign that a Monzo Plushie is heading my way, seeing as Uncle David has one :joy:

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£2.5K and it can be arranged! I’ll even take CHAPS.


Staggered roll out, I guess. I’m on same version. I’ll just keep checking every thirty seconds until it appears. Could be a long December…

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Imagine me just ringing up Starling and being like “Hey, can I send this random person who I met on the internet £2.5k for a plushie”. They’d probably hang up the phone on me :laughing:

My price is £1 for everytime you’ve said “calm” or “ye”

Thus the price increases daily until I receive funds.

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How about a cheque?

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NatWest: “A cHeQuE bOoK wIlL bE wItH yOu In 3-5 wOrKiNg DaYs”

So technically yes, I could send one, but it would take me a while.

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That’s only £17 for the calms!

Was gonna count the yes too, but quickly realised it includes words like year, yesterday, yellow, N26throwawaye… etc

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Sweet. Revels, DM me when you’re ready :wink:

Can’t go adding an e onto your name all of a sudden :joy:

Can’t remember the last time I said this word lol.


Wait did you count or is this just a guess??

Surely it’s gotta be more.


There’s even information about it in the Help section. Oh my :disappointed:

Payment links for under 16 accounts is nice, but I sincerely hope they aren’t stopping there… We’re eagerly awaiting joint access so that both my wife and I can manage our kids accounts. Until we get that we can’t really use the accounts as we’d like.


I hope so too. Recent snippets of code in the app show something is being worked on - but there’s no timescale involved or any guarantee that anything will actually launch.

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Does anyone else have the same problem that I am experiencing?

Seriously. We need screenshots and/or context in order to know what’s wrong.

Did you try all the steps I put in my previous post of instructions??