Meet the next generation: Monzo for Under 16s 🎉

Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! :birthday: :tada:


Hi all :wave: Thanks for all your feedback on the Under 16s accounts. The squad’s hard at work taking your feedback on board.

To say thanks and help us keep testing, we’re letting you fast-track up to 3 people on the waitlist.

If you have any friends or family that are desperate to try out Monzo for Under 16s we will fast-track them and give them early access!

Know any interested parents? Follow these steps:

1. Make sure they’ve joined the waitlist: they can find it by going to the ‘+’ menu in the top right hand corner of the app, then tapping ‘Monzo for Under 16s’

2. You need to fill out this form: Include your community user name and the email addresses that the parents have attached to their Monzo accounts.

You have until Monday 16th September 9am to fill out the form. We will let you know when we will be giving this early access after this deadline.

Are you still on the waitlist yourself? Fill out this form and we will get you fast-tracked soon too!


A new default ‘kerching’ for kids account transactions would be great.

I keep thinking I’ve had an erroneous transaction come through but it always ends up being my son :face_with_peeking_eye:


Squeeky toy sound :laughing:

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So we’ve just got in randomly via the waiting list.

Looks great, kids are excited. They currently have a pot each that we can see and move money around in on the joint account, money gets moved to another debit card provider so they can spend in shops. Now we can do away with that and keep it all in monzo, great!

However the big problem is that joint accounts are supported, so now we’ve got the kids showing in my wifes account, but if the kids are out with me for the day I’ve no way to see how much money is in their account or move money around.

Please put joint account access as a top priority for parents that have linked joint bank accounts.

Thank you

Hi @coshea & welcome :wave:

There are strong indications a <16y account won’t be initially linked to a Joint account when the feature is implemented, but instead have ‘co-parent’ access where 2 (or more?) designated Monzo Personal accounts will be linked to the <16y account. Almost the same thing.


Love it! Looks brilliant, nice and simple to understand!


Hoping I get my two onboard soon.

Been avoiding the kite ID checks in anticipation of moving them here and closing Starling altogether.

Bit late to the form party…but submitted just in case.

Hi Sara,
Thanks for presenting these cards. I order two cards, unfortunately they do not appear on our joint account :-/ and we tried to link the cards with partner but there no options.
When I order it was under the joint account (I believe so) Can you tell me how it is possible to add kids card on my partner phone (we have a joint account)
Thanks !!!

I don’t think the cards can be linked to joint accounts currently as per everyone else saying in this thread.

Maybe it will come soon but not yet

I can answer that. Your kids account is solely linked to your personal account, although this may change in the future.

For those who filled in the forms to fast track yourself or friends/family - keep an eye on your app this afternoon :eyes:


Hi Georgia, i filled out the form in the past day or 2, i cant remember when. Is there anway of knowing if i had filled it out before the cut off?

Probs worth keeping your eye on your app this afternoon.


You should have access now - let me know if not!


I’ve just had my invite and created an “account” for my eldest, all very smooth so that’s great.

Two things that will probably limit my adoption of this though:

  • the fact that the account is visible to me but not my wife
  • the fact that you can’t create savings pots that attract interest

Currently we have a savings pot for both our children on our joint account so they accrue interest. Clearly only tiny sums, but still something.

It’s a great idea in general and will help my 7 year old understand money better and be able to use her own card on those rare occasions she buys something in a shop with us. For now though I think we’ll have to leave the money in the pot where it is, and just move the exact amount to her account ahead of a purchase.