Making Monzo: Plan ahead better with flexible budgeting tools


This came out and was a good first wave of change, then the crowdfunding happened and it’s all gone very quiet…

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My honest impression of all this is they’ve bit off more than they can chew on this one. Summary is a large section of functionality within the app.

The last change now allows me to select a correct payday but without sounding like a broken record I cannot use summary in its current form because of the category limitations.

Just out of curiosity… what do we all think is missing from Summary apart from more advanced payday setting?

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More Categories.

More categories to provide more scope of my spending habits.

The ability to exclude budgets from the Left to Spend

I set myself a budget of £500 per month to go on groceries. To me that £500 should be accounted for and removed from my Left to Spend as it shouldn’t be spent on anything else. It’s the main reason I utilise Pots to be honest.

Also I think the graph on there is a waste. I don’t understand how it calculates that I am going to run out of money each month.


I personally think until all aspects of budgeting within Monzo are a complete solution - Summary won’t be very useful to me… That includes, for me:

  • More categories, and sub categories
  • Custom categories (Broken record here but my own method of budgeting is more important than Monzo’s ability to tell me I spend more on average on Uber than the typical 25-34 year old).
  • Zero Sum budgeting - rather than setting budget targets (that have no consequence if they are missed).

Right now, Because of point 1+2, I don’t use categories, and therefore the rest is irrelevant to my needs and use case.


Another Android beta update and another week goes by with no additional changes to this aspect.

This is getting to the point where I’m assuming it’s way down the list now.

Yes pulse definitely needs work, would be more useful if it showed upcoming bill and salary payment. I sketched a basic mock up below of how it could show upcoming direct debits and standing orders, dates and amounts could even be added or show up if you make it interactive.


@Jami @Naji

Not sure which is now responsible for this area but is there any advance on the budget flexibility for dates?

To be frank the options still don’t meet peoples needs who, say for instance, get paid on the last Friday of the month. When is this feature going to be iterated on? It is literally useless to me and others in its current form, yet is something I’d really wish you’d address.


What’s the ETA on this? I’m using a spreadsheet to track this atm but it would be great to put it in the app (and API)!

Hi. This thread seems to have gone a little unfocused in its goal. It still shows as “comming soon” in the app “making Monzo” section but some things have been delivered and I don’t know what features discussed here are being worked on, or an ETA. Maybe it is time for a tidy up and split new features up into their own thread so there is bit more clarity.

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Scrolling back, this is the last ‘official’ post - 2 months ago.

It’s been quiet since then as to what’s being worked on.

I was playing around with the new flexible settings like 4 weekly standing orders when I realised that I can’t schedule a payment into my pots 4 weekly. I assume this is just an oversight and will he added in the future, since the functionality is there for the rest just not pots yet.

Yeah. It’s a parity issue. I think you can on Android but not on iOS.

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I’d love to see a graph like that, combining history, trend, pending, predicted & committed transactions into a clear descriptive visual.

That along with custom categories, different budget cycles (or even sub-cycles — think weekly, monthly and annual budgets), last (or Nth or Nth-last) X-day of the month, preferably automatically detected from previous paydays… Not that I ask for much!

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Any news as to when weekly budgets will be incorporated? Sooooo many people aren’t paid monthly. This is a huge oversight and should definitely be an active feature to ensure that Monzo meets all of their customers needs


I get paid weekly and find it quite annoying that the summary and committed spending are calculated weekly, like you said it makes the app pretty useless to me atm

@cookywook - do we have any news or updates as to when other budgeting frequencies will hit the summary page? There’s been little to no update since the first iteration of this last year.

I’m aware that the whole summary page is getting an overhaul, so I was wondering if the more flexible budgeting frequencies have been postponed until the whole new summary page is rolled out?


@cookywook is there any news regarding a possible weekly summary/budgets feature?


Nearly 5 months since phase 1 release and there’s been no update to the budgeting since.

Is this now dead in the water?



I get the feeling that most of the focus is on developing features to help make money and get to a point where they become profitable.

@nexusmaniac has had a peek at v3.0 of the app. Here’s hoping it’s a redesign of summary with some new budgeting features!

Edit: ooooh… a like from the man himself. What can we glean from that?! :male_detective: