Lost transaction history in connected account šŸ˜”

A bad thing has happened.

I am have a Nationwide connected credit card. It used to have a lot of back data. Looking at Trends, though, it like like thereā€™s no history before April this year.

Of course, this really messes up Trends and removes a lot of the point of connected accounts.

Refreshing and removing/reconnecting doesnā€™t fix it.

Is anyone seeing anything similar?




As a follow up to the " :eyes: "

Have you pinged the team through chat yet @Peter_G ?


I havenā€™t.

(Iā€™ve never found chat to be particularly responsive to this sort of thing so have learnt not to worry them).

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Not done an extensive check, but I am have a Barclaycard connected credit card, and it certainly goes back to April at least. I stopped swiping through the months after February though.


Okay Iā€™ve contacted support. Letā€™s live post my progress.

Step one: go to the Help tab and utter the right incantation (search for contact). :man_facepalming:

Step two: new screen :tada:

Now, do I choose Plus/Premium or Monzo account/ app? :thinking: Neither of them look like theyā€™ve got what I want:

I plumb for the Monzo app option then ā€œlet me describe the problemā€

Annoyingly, the bug in the support chat that means the first word of a sentence isnā€™t capitalised is still present on this screen.

And there we go! Back to the old interface:

Updates to come!


Do you mean it messes up the current balance showing for this month, or just because you canā€™t see historic trends data?

I mean this!

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Sad to say, but I have zero faith in chat helping/solving this.

It isnā€™t just a Monzo thing, these sorts of more complex issues, they are not trained/experienced/knowledgeable enough to handle.

Thereā€™s currently an error with the British Gas app and thereā€™s zero point asking chat because Iā€™ll get them telling me to reinstall and then saying they ā€œlook into itā€


Sadly, I agree.

Against my better judgement Iā€™ve put in the request and hope to be (pleasantly) surprised.

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Good afternoon :wave:t4:

Thanks for getting in touch!

Iā€™m going to pass this on to a specialist team who are the best people to help you.

While youā€™re in the queue we wonā€™t be able to see any more of your replies so youā€™re welcome to leave the chat for the moment. Our team will reach out in the next few hours once theyā€™ve taken a look at your message.

Thanks for your patience.

Sent 1306 so response within 30 minutes.

So far, so promising!


Just posted this:

Same issue by the looks of it.


Another update!


Hi [name], [name] from the Plus and Premium team here :wave:

Hope youā€™re well.

Sorry to hear youā€™ve lost some of your transaction history.

Can you please give me some more information on this? Thanks!

Iā€™ve sent them a screenshot of the connected amount with this message:

So this screenshot is of the extent of the transactions in Monzo from my connected account. Iā€™ve had this account connected since I subscribed to Plus when it first came out. It used to have a good year or so of transaction history. But now I canā€™t see anything before 6th April this year.

(Weā€™ve not got to a resolution yet, but Iā€™m impressed with the responsiveness so far :muscle:).



Thanks for the info and sending that over!

And is only recently youā€™ve been unable to see this far back?

This is excellent, it feels like having a conversation with a real human. Which, of course, is whatā€™s happening.

Hereā€™s my response:

Yes. I used to have quite a long feed of transactions (that helpfully fed through in Trends).

And a swift reply (timestamp 1324):

OK, thanks for confirming that with me!

Iā€™m going to get another member of the team to take a look at this for you, as Iā€™m unsure why they arenā€™t showing anymore :thinking:

Just like before, while youā€™re in the queue we wonā€™t be able to see any more of your replies so youā€™re welcome to leave the chat for the moment. Theyā€™ll be sure to reach out soon!



Hi [name], [name] taking over. Iā€™m a specialist here at Monzo.

Iā€™m sorry to hear about the trouble!

Would you be able to disconnect and then reconnect the NationWide account to see if it refreshes for you?

Let me know how you get on :sparkles:

Iā€™ve already given it a go, but will try again. Give me a minute.

A minute passesā€¦

Okay, done. Just the same set of credit card transactions, Iā€™m afraid.

Thank you for trying!

Iā€™m going to ask some engineers to take a look into this as Iā€™m not sure why itā€™s not allowing you to see the full transaction feed.

Iā€™m sorry for any inconvenience caused by this, as soon as we have an update we will send you a message in the chat to let you know.

Let me know if theres anything I can do to help you with in the mean time :blush:

No resolution yet but Iā€™m impressed with the engagement so far. Excellent work, Monzo.


We have a conclusion!

Iā€™m back!

Our team have said theyā€™re aware of the issue and itā€™s likely it wonā€™t be solved in the next few days but theyā€™re hoping to have a fix for it in the near future :pray:

So no fix just yet but an excellent experience.

  • Fast updates :white_check_mark:
  • Natural, human interaction :white_check_mark:
  • Ownership of the problem :white_check_mark:
  • Promise of a resolution :white_check_mark:

I donā€™t really mind that itā€™ll take some time when things work well like this.

11/10 would report again.



Five lipsticks out of five for customer service. Well done Monzo.


Thatā€™s a great result. Letā€™s see if it indeed fixes soon.


Iā€™ve racked my brain to know what you mean hereā€¦


Really minor, but weird. When you type there is no automatic capitalisation. Usually when you start a new sentence the first letter is magically capitalised. When youā€™re typing on chat (for me on Android at least) I have to remember to put the capitals in.

otherwise it all ends up like this. which wouldnā€™t do. at all. no!