Level up your financial IQ 🤓 September 2023 updates

Hey everyone, :wave:

It’s back to school season - ready for a new learning adventure?

Learning how to manage your finances is a skill that can set you up for success, both now and in the future. Let’s get your financial future an A+ grade, with these updates:

Set a date for your Pot goals :dart:

Saving up for something isn’t easy, but setting a goal date might help you stay motivated.

Let us do the math on how much you’d need per day, week, and so on to reach your goal by the date you selected. We’ll even help you create an automatic deposit to keep you on track :muscle:

Read more in our blog post.

A better combined activity feed experience :sparkles:

With all your account activity in one feed, it’s still important to know where each transaction is coming from, especially if you have multiple accounts or pay from your Pots.

Small badges attached to the main merchant or Pot icon will tell you more about these transactions.


Pot image badges show you which Pot the transaction was paid from. A one-person badge means the transaction came from your personal account, and a two-person badge shows your joint account transactions.

Settle into your new Home :house_with_garden:

We’re continuing to furnish the new Home screen to help you get a clearer view of your finances, all based on your feedback.

Choose how you see your Pots :honey_pot:
Some of you prefer to see your Pots and balances in a single view. So now you can choose between a list view or an image view for Savings and Expenses!

Tap the 3 dots under Savings or Expenses, and then tap “View as list” or “View as images”.

Easy access to card management tools :credit_card:
Tap the Card button on your card to manage it from the Home screen. You can get a PIN reminder, see your card number, or order a replacement card.

Go back to school with Monzo :pencil2:
You may have seen an educational series near the bottom of your new Home screen. Our aim for this space is to help make it easier to understand your money, from learning about new Monzo features to breaking down some common financial terms.

New joint account cards :v:

Something new and shiny is headed to your mailboxes soon :mailbox_with_mail:

The new joint account card has a pearlescent white finish, so it’s even easier to tell apart from your personal account card. And it comes with the right hint of hot coral so you still get the Monzo magic :magic_wand:

Just wait until you see it with your own eyes… it gets even better :eyes:

Sort your salary into external accounts :moneybag:

Back in July, we started rolling out the ability to sort your salary into external accounts using Salary Sorter. This is now available to everyone!

We want you to excel at one of life’s most important subjects, with no advanced math required :muscle:

Let us know what you’d like to see next using the feedback form in the app. We read each and every piece of your feedback :blush: