Owen Carl?
And there’s me thinking you were called Carlo
Owen Carl?
And there’s me thinking you were called Carlo
It’s Carl, isn’t it? He even got ‘Carlos’ the other day… The name that just keeps on giving.
Being Scottish I can’t even say Carl.
It’s a real problem. It sounds like carul or carowl
Friends at work call me Carol, because the trainers even made a joke of it saying they can’t say Carl being Scottish
Work seem to put everyone’s surname first, and then Teams initials don’t even accumulate to first and last as there’s loads of letters throughout it.
The emails and messages I get saying “Hi Owen”…
I just go along with it now, cba correcting everyone.
Ah fair enough. Thanks for confirming, Owen
Post your photo with a Santa hat - like some of the usual suspects here - and you’ll be Christmas Carol
He’s Carlo Wen, don’t let him fool us.