Kashflow/Quickbooks - how to add Savings Pot?

Rookie question!

Hi all, I’ve just signed up for a Monzo account to try and earn a bit of interest on my balance. I’ve set up the savings pot, and added a sum to it. However, when I import my transactions to Kashflow it shows the transfer to my savings pot as a withdrawal.

Has anyone found a work around to make the online bookkeeping easier? I assume the pot does not have it’s own sortcode/account number to set up another account on my books? Or have people just set up a manual account - shown the transfer and then add the interest manually once a month?

But I want to start off with everything correct! I also have a Mettle account for another business and pots are ignored when you import transactions so you see the full balance.


Have you already opened a pot? If so, when you click onto your savings pot, it should look something like this:

(Let’s pretend it’s not empty)

Once you click the add money button, you should be able to transfer your Monzo balance to your savings pot!

Hope I was of help!

Hi, thanks for the reply, it wasn’t the question I asked, but I’ve found a workaround now!

I had to create another bank account in my bookkeeping programme, and show the transfer to it (which is the amount in my savings pot) and every month I’ll need to manually add any interest I earn in the bookkeeping programme.