JAJA Discussion

I got that email, I think, as I didn’t bother opening it.

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If there was just mention of a single selling point, I might consider it. Absolutely nothing!

Had the same email a few days ago.
Been waiting so long that I’d forgotten about it.
Now I have Tymit and Amex, along with my Nationwide Select, I don’t think I’ll be bothering.

As others have said
“What’s their unique selling point?”

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Offering waitlists :laughing:


I’ve had similar, I’ll probably not jump on it when I’m next in line.

If all goes to plan I pass my driving test at the end of August. I’ll be getting a loan for a car, so don’t want any more hard searches on my file between now and September time ish.

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Can’t quite tell if there’s anything like this happening at Monzo. I hope you’re right though!

18 hours till my testflight app expires again. I’ve paid everything off just in case, so will probably not be using the card again.

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Looks like Jaja have just given up with a new testflight version and hoping we’ll just wait till the account is closed instead.

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Invites appear to be going out for Jaja 2.0, for pioneers and waitlist users.

Think I’ve been offered to apply again after my previous card has closed…
Kind of want to… kind of don’t want the credit search

You could do the soft search and see what it says you might get then decide?

I’ve done the soft search and it’s offered me a reasonable credit limit. It’s around the same limit that the high street banks are offering.

Soft check rejected me. Jaja :wave:

I was very keen on Jaja at the start and have generally been happy with the app.

But I’m not going to bother applying for Jaja 2.0 until they decide to provide an open banking api.

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I tried applying for Jaja 2 (being one of the silly investors in it). Went through the application process using Brave (an advert free Chromium based browser) on my Android phone, went through the soft search and got offered a credit limit, went to apply - asked to read and confirm the terms and conditions and the layout made the T+Cs into a very small column (less than 1cm across on my phone and less than a screenfull in height) with the "Accept "button unclickable until I had scrolled to read them all… Except it was unscrollable.

I just don’t get how Jaja have made so many fundamental mistakes and how they keep making them. One of only two investments I made on crowdfunding which I regret.

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Does anyone have the Jaja card. One thing I was always interested in is the design

I think lots of us on this thread probably have it. I do. It’s a nice card. App is nice too. Their issues have been in other areas - waiting list, customer service, taking on more than they can chew, etc.

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I think those of use who engage in crowdfunding should probably expect to regret 9 out of 10 investments eventually!

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I’m trialling BIP at the moment. Even though I despise New Day. I really like BIP and Tymit. Do I think I’m ok for credit cards I just like card designs and I’ve only ever seen pictures of it

Could you rephrase that?

Not quite sure if you’re asking a question or just making a statement.