Is Monzo Right for Me?

If you want to use Monzo for anything really critical you may want to consider that there are still reports of some Banks and Merchants not accepting the sort code. (Quickly glancing over the list this appears to be more merchants than banks, though, which is likely less relevant for you.) I’m sure this will be sorted out in due course, but I don’t think I’d use Monzo for something were I need close to 100% reliability just yet.

As for the API: Again the API is not yet finished and I don’t think I’d use it for anything business critical yet.

So, apart from the issue that Monzo is for personal accounts only, I think the system is just not ready yet for what you are envisaging.

You may want to consider accounting software that allows direct linking of bank accounts. As an example: allows you to link your account (all major UK banks are supported, but not Monzo) and import transactions automatically and they can then easily be linked up to invoices etc. There are dozens of competitors out there, so have a look around. Some may even integrate with some eCommerce software, but I don’t know any details about that.

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