iPhone Discussion

Same :sob: I feel your pain.

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I had this conversation with a colleague when the iPhone 5 came out and I outright refused to stand in a queue for a phone.

Will be buying outright with PayPal credit (the 4 month 0% interest credit I already have not the longer plans at purchase), donā€™t want another partner finance plan but do want to defer the bulk of the payment for a few months.

Would that not be insurance fraud? Iā€™d not judge you, but you have totally judged others on here in the past. :stuck_out_tongue:

Without a doubt, on both counts.

Iā€™m more surprised youā€™ve posted without mentioning working for a bank!


Why would I post about that? Shhh.

Iā€™ll go in store, take my ā€˜free packā€™ with me to work to sell my 13pm to Sala Phones

No, itā€™s your phone to do with as you please

Andrew Iā€™m so sure that deliberately breaking a phone to claim on ā€˜accidental damageā€™ insurance, which is what AppleCare+ is would be considered insurance fraud.

As per their own TOS:

In saying that, Iā€™d not condemn or judge anyone as youā€™re responsible only for yourself, at the end of the day.

Iā€™ve put my AirPods in the wash by accident before, Apple replaced them. I didnā€™t have AppleCare+ on them

Thatā€™s not the same, that was accidental. It is surprising they covered that.

It would be fraud if you had AC+, poured a bucket of water over them, and then claimed.


Apple are pretty good with replacing products youā€™ve damaged. My sister dropped her iPod Touch years ago, took it in to see if they could replace the screen, fully admitted it was dropped and they just replaced it with a refurbished one. I guess the positive experience helps keep the customer and itā€™s not like itā€™ll hit their bottom line.

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Where else would the cost of replacing out of warranty products hit? :thinking:


(I chuckled) - I reckon they deem it worth it for retention.

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Yes thatā€™s what I mean, the cost of replacing an iPod Touch that they can further recycle for parts is hardly going to affect the balance sheets of a company like Apple in any meaningful way, itā€™ll be a rounding error at best. But by doing something like that theyā€™re more likely to keep the customer and make sales in future.

Obviously the cost of one replacement is inconsequential. But if they did it with any regularity it would very quickly add up to real money.

Even at a tenth of a % of purchases, weā€™re talking 100s of millions of $s.

I wouldnā€™t complain as a customer, but Iā€™m pretty sure that the ļ£æ ecosystem is at a point where for the vast majority of people the switching cost is not worth the effort of moving to other devices so they donā€™t need to do it.


Also, Apple used to be a lot more generous with replacements and Genius Bar nice / doing you a favour which they donā€™t have to do. That seems less prevalent now to me. Also they used to give 3 year AppleCare free on higher education laptops and the discount / back to school promo was better. So they have definitely tighten up a bit to protect the bottom line more (so to some extent it must have been adding up!)


Did you just delete that paypal screenshot? I was looking at that :smiley:

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Yeah I misread. Timed perfectly for iPhone, but eBay only. :laughing:

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Ah, I see. thatā€™s a shameā€¦ Will have to go Barclays Partner finance again OR Monzo Flex it. Itā€™s a shame Barclays Partner finance isnā€™t automated, they donā€™t have an app for checking payments, so itā€™s either playing ā€˜fastest finger firstā€™ with the phone system, trying to type in your policy number or message them and annoy a human

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Will probably still PayPal flex it anyway if I buy direct. 4 months of no interest is still better than any other option.

Or Iā€™ll get it from Sky. eSIM process is kinda janky right now so I think for the smoothest process Iā€™m gonna have to.