Introducing…Archived Pots! ✨

But the data is still there in your statements anyway.

I dread to think how many pots I’ve made over the years!

I dread to think how many I’ve made. Waiting for it to tell me

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Everyone should now have access to archived Pots! Thanks for all the feedback and for being patient! :heart:


Only 16! I was expecting more than that. Quite restrained really.

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Almost all mine are from when you couldn’t reorder pots, so I would delete and make new ones to get the order I wanted :joy:


I have 63 :crazy_face:


And it’s a yes from me.

Only 8 archived pots which surprised me - and 2 of them were called ‘Test Pot’

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37 in 18 months, I don’t have at the moment though.

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Yes, I see it now :grin:
26 archived pots, how did I managed it? :sweat_smile:

I agree with some guys here, it should be an option permanently delete pots too, please :thinking::smirk:

As others have pointed out it’s no doubt a regulatory requirement to keep them archived for x amount of years.

The pots are closed and hidden and not taking up a single inch of space on the interface so don’t see the need for Monzo to engineer a solution to blast them out of the world forever.


173 for me. 140 are just called savings since when I withdrew from a savings pot I always deleted it and remade so it didn’t say withdrawals :man_facepalming:

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…. why?

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Because I’m strange and ocd about numbers


Got it. I have 45 and 20 or so were for when I collected money for a stag do and had a pot per person. I gave up on that idea when I hit the pot limit and still had more to make…. And so moved to the old fashion 1 pot + excel spreadsheet……!

Therefore, it should be about half that.

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Quite disappointing how many of mine are holiday related for ones that didn’t happen :slightly_frowning_face:

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There is a HUGE bug in this new “feature”

If you had a Joint Account in the past, and now no longer have said Joint Account you will still see all your old Joint Pots which CANNOT be un-achieved.

As we know you cannot delete Pots, but un-achieving enables you to rename & removed the image, and then re-achieve.

So say you have an old Joint Pot from a previous relationship which was :

  • Wedding Pot
  • Holiday Together
  • House Deposit

and the relationship ended, you cannot edit these old Pots, so the Pots are there as a continued kick in the nutz each time.

Really bad form TBH

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Thanks for bringing thus up Tom.

I’m chasing this up with the team, I’ll come back with more info when I have some or one of the team will jump in :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Thanks @AlanDoe

Appreciate it. I’ve spoken to the Success Team via the App so the open Intercom case might be mine :slight_smile:

Cheers again

How often do people look at their archived pots list for this to be an issue?


I’m not sure that’s relevant in all honesty.

Even once is enough to trigger bad memories