When you set up your Monzo account as the source for Paypal payments it takes money directly, but unfortunately it only shows “Paypal” and some random string which is probably an identifier within Paypal.
It would be amazing if you could offer the option to authorise a connection to Paypal, and then use their API to “enhance” the data shown for their transactions. I’ve checked in the Paypal app and it has the merchant the money went to, the actual receipt of things you bought! And a bunch of really useful things.
I feel like this feature would be extremely useful when managing finances through Monzo!
I imagine after linking credit cards are a bit more fleshed out this is something Monzo may work on. I wonder how many people with Monzo use PayPal?
(#fullmonzo joint account since Aug18)
This would be so useful. I’d imagine building this into Monzo would be relatively straight forward too. Just sign into your PayPal account in the app and then all your PayPal payments are populated with the merchant data from PayPal. This would be really useful for keeping track of what and where you are spending.