Idea to fight addiction

The problem is not that Monzo know. Monzo will know about all my spending and may make decisions based on them.

This is part of my point though. Monzo could have a customer selling their possessions, stealing from their employer and gambling all of that on greyhounds without Monzo ever seeing any of that money and not being flagged as an issue, yet someone else could be wrongly suggested to be an alcoholic based on a heavy night out where he invited some people to drinks.

No, it’s just going to irritate me. We already have “targets” for that, I put what I aim to spend a month and see if I can keep to that, my budgeting, my decision, my responsibility. Monzo labelling my spending as a potential addiction is insulting to me as an adult, they are my bank not my personal minder. I will only ever accept accusations of drinking or gambling too much and lack of femail companionship from my mother. Anyone else is going to be nicely asked to get off their high horse and requested to go and annoy someone else.

What else? A message telling us our live is wonderful and a telephone number for Samaritans if Monzo notice we are buying rope or sharp items?

I’m all for Monzo being socially responsible, but any help they may offer should work FOR us with no hint of condescension whatsoever. The day I think Monzo are trying to lecture me or proselytise, it’s the day I will cut my coral card in two and uninstall their app.