I know it´s a bit off topic, but I am looking for an umbrella company and I thought you could advise some good companies cheap, paying on time and digital (if possible) similar to Monzo.
I found Crunch (https://www.crunch.co.uk/) that it looks kind of the same thing. Have you worked with them before?
I gonna start working for a marketing agency and I have two options. Working as an Ltd or with an umbrella company. However, I decided to go for an umbrella company as it will be a fix term contract for three months and creating my own ltd will be too much hassle. Hope this makes sense
I just set up my own Ltd company each time I freelance. Using FreeAgent its all pretty simple, practically automated, but you can get an accountant for a small fee (offset against tax anyway as a business expense).
If you look at the Parasol Group which @jfmombiela mentioned , they can offer you assistance on either option, and will talk you through the pros and cons of each option. I looked at them in the past and they seemed decent.
Thanks for your great help. I went for smartwork eventually as this is the one my recruitment agency is working with. However, next time I will check FreeAgent as @caspararemi mentioned