How do I access my account without my phone

Your reputation goes before you


I’d like to see those cases please.

There’s been a fair few threads with it in.

You should not forward the email to anyone or share it with anyone. As it clearly states.

If you do, you are open to all manner of ID-theft/Fraud/Negligence - and also in breach of the T&C’s and possible immediate account closure.

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Today it does, yes. I’m not sure it’s been there for very long though, I’ve only very recently seen that message in the email, although granted my personal experience doesn’t count for much, maybe it’s always been there?


Whilst it is good that it states this, it didn’t always.

Which is why I originally said:

…so, a positive development.


Possible good workaround.

Another potential is to install the app on an M1 Mac (if you have one!), assuming Monzo didn’t opt out of having their app available? Pinging @ravipatel to find out!

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If it doesn’t sign me out of my iOS device (it probably will) yes, I ordered the M1 Macbook Air as it’ll be my first ever Mac and I’m super excited




There’s a workaround for installing iOS apps that the developers have chosen not to allow on Macs.

Edit: I’ve just noticed that one of the steps is to send the app to another Mac and then back again (for some reason), so that might not be particularly practical.


That’s a shame. Wonder why. Would be useful to have downloaded on there as a just in case. Thanks for checking!

That digital model builder looks interesting

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