Hi, sorry if this has already been discussed elsewhere but I’m struggling to find an answer…
Me and my partner are getting close to exchange of contracts on our first house (eeeeek )
Anyway, we do still have legacy accounts, but plan for our mortgage payments to go from our Monzo joint account, we’d also like if possible to pay our deposit to the solicitor’s from this account if possible, so that it’s all joint and tracable through one place…
Our solicitor will only accept the payment in one lump sum (otherwise they charge at least £50 penalty for each additional transaction), and I think they may only be willing to accept CHAPS, and regardless I’ve seen elsewhere that the faster payment limit for Monzo is £10,000 which doesn’t cover it.
So would we be able to transfer via CHAPS from our joint account, or are we going to have to go to the legacy accounts on this one?
May be worth messaging Monzo to see if you can do a faster payment for more than £10k, letting them know the exact amount and who it’s to. They may lift the limit. Worth a try.
Have you asked via inapp chat if Monzo can do a chaps payment? I’d be really surprised if they can’t/won’t. Many large payments like this still rely on chaps
I’ve been told in app that they can arrange for a CHAPS payment if needs be, although they haven’t said what charge is associated, most banks charge £25 I think? And that they can allow a higher faster payment limit as long as it’s pre arranged.
So looks like we should be all good to let Monzo deal with the transaction
They say that they would be able to do the chaps payment without charge if required.
For future reference: when asking for these larger limit payments, they want to see a selfie of you with your ID, makes sense, but have your ID ready to go.