Buying a house (cash buy) using Monzo

Following a marriage separation I am buying a house with cash that is currently in a Monzo pot.
Has anyone here recently completed on a house purchase using Monzo? How much notice should I give to get the limit raised on my account?
Any advice appreciated, thank you

I believe you can request an increased limit upto a month in advance, but generally I’d say to request the limit the day before. Make sure you have any ID and documentary proof of “yes I’m buying a house for X” as they’ll be needed.

I requested on the day (the morning of) and it took about 2 hours. I think I had to go through an additional step as it was to a brand new contact and I triggered anti-fraud checks, but otherwise that was fine.

Try not to leave it to the last minute.

Speak to your solicitor, request the limit raise sooner and transfer it to your solicitors account. Then you can focus on other things.


Exactly this :clap:

Also, depending on the amount, check maximum payment limit. Faster payments allows up to £1m in a single transaction.

Above that you’d have to split over multiple transactions or use CHAPS, and there was some discussion recently as to whether Monzo could send CHAPS.

Mum moved house a couple of years ago and her solicitor refused to do a FP over £100k. She was downsizing and they tried to make her pay £35 for a CHAPS transaction to send residual funds. They sent it as more than one faster payment.

Recently did just this and requested it a couple of days in advance. Sent the solicitors breakdown as evidence as to why, Monzo were on it and ok’d the rise really quickly.