Help us understand what features you'd like to see in a Monzo business account!

Same. Small company, in digital publishing, with two of us running it.

Pain point: More than one cards for a business account
I need to be able to give my Managing Director a card to use and access to the business account. Nobody will offer more than one card, not TransferWise, not Starling (I checked this morning) which quite frankly, is ridiculous, when you both make financial decisions and purchases for the business. We jointly need to be able to use the account.

Pain point: Direct Debits
We use TransferWise Borderless because we pay writers in the EU and US, but it’s kind of useless because they don’t allow direct debits. So we can pay one-offs, but not, for example, have a repeat payment to Adobe for our monthly bill. Given that most companies expect you to put in card details and be able to pull out the monthly amount automatically, it renders Borderless useless. We have all our vendor payments on direct debit, but because of this, I have to run those out of my old Lloyd’s account. I spoke to Starling and they allow direct debit but they don’t allow you to receive direct debits! So that is useless too. Please allow direct debit BOTH ways. It’s a basic, BASIC requirement. Money in, money out.