Get Paid Early - "When Will I Get Paid" Calculator

Hmm hopefully fixed now:


yeah all working again thanks :slight_smile:


Hi I tried to view but it advised me to request access which I have. This was yesterday I’m still waiting is this normal?

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This should have been fixed now. I think your post got caught in a bit of a queue…

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Thanks I will check now

You Sir, are an absolute MVP, I’m always thinking about this, especially when payday falls on a Monday, I have an awful memory and can never remember if it means a Friday 4pm or the Saturday (for some reason :woman_shrugging:t2:).

They should totally build this into the app somehow.


Can you check payday 31st aug 2022 ? Thanks

The idea is you can use the tool to check it yourself.

It’s always the working day before.


Tuesday 30th August. :raised_hands:t3:

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It still bothers me that people can’t work it out manually :exploding_head::rofl: but hey if the tools useful, so be it :sweat_smile:


I know! How difficult can “working day before” be?


I see a fair number of snarky or generally mean spirited comments essentially calling people idiots for not knowing how BACS payments are processed (or any other topic).I thought that this community was meant to be an inclusive space for everyone, people with intellectual disabilities and others don’t necessarily have the capacity to process information in the same way as other people. I have seen other comments being hidden by moderators for calling out mean spirited behaviour, I would think as a community we can challenge this sort of behaviour in the space that it occurs. There’s nothing wrong with being blunt but in some (albeit limited) cases it goes beyond that. It has the effect of silencing others who might want to contribute but don’t bother because more ‘established’ members shut them down.

Let’s take this topic as an example… and people not knowing what last working day means….Friday in my case is the ‘last business’ day before I am paid my salary as it falls on a Sunday this month: this logic dictates I will be paid early on 26th yet Monzo having sight of an early BACS payment will actually pay me on 25th. I appreciate for most people it’s a fairly simple process: but if you can’t be kind or constructive it’s probably best you don’t bother commenting.


I don’t think anyone is making fun of people for not knowing how a BACS cycle works. Hell, I don’t know, either. But simply saying “the working day before you are usually paid” is not that hard. If you don’t know what a working day is, Google will tell you easily. And if all else fails, the calculator will do it, without needing to make a post about it.

We’re a community of enthusiasts, not paid customer service representatives. I think generally the community are welcoming and helpful.

And even I don’t understand your example. If you’re paid on the last working day of the month, then you’re paid 31 August and last working day before is 30 when Monzo would make your salary available. If it’s last Friday of a month then it’s of course the Thursday before


I don’t think it’s a question about the Bacs system, it’s working out if I’m paid x date what is the working day before that, where some seem to struggle.

Could simply be a misunderstanding of a working day, if your business works 7 days a week.

Edit: beaten to it above :sweat_smile:


I think whatever it is, it’s best to give folk the benefit of the doubt.

I really think the rule to live by is to remember that you don’t have to respond to every topic. If someone asks a question you find annoying or silly, not replying is usually the best option.

If I were new, some of the responses above would definitely put me off from participating, I’m afraid.


Who said anything about making fun of anyone? I used my own circumstances to illustrate how business days and Monzo early salary system work in practice.

@Carlo1460 Not to worry, maybe you’ll get in there quicker next time eh!

What payment/transfer whatever the correct term is system do Monzo accept for processing salary payments early and how might this be related to calculating when you’ll be paid?

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Bacs processing cycle

Input - day 1
Input day is the latest day a business user/bureau may submit a payment file to Bacs for a processing cycle. Payment files must be transmitted to Bacs between 07.00 and 22.30.

Processing - day 2
Files are delivered to the recipient PSPs which then process each payment.

Entry - day 3
Payments are simultaneously credited to the recipients’ accounts and debited from your account.

You remain in control of the process at all times. You can submit your payment instructions up to 30 days in advance of the payment date. You can also recall payments after the payment information has been submitted, provided your PSP is notified prior to a specific cut off time.

As monzo can see the Bacs payment on working day 2 pending, this means access can be given to those funds a bit sooner as it’s unlikely the sender can amend at this point in time.


Thanks Carl, this is really helpful and was my understanding of BACS hence why I made reference to it in my first post.

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Part of why I made this tool in the first place is because of the non-obvious nature of how certain days land on the whole getting paid early front.

It does make me sad seeing people getting stick for not intuitively knowing what the relevant day is. and some comments don’t entirely pass the vibe check here.

In maybe 95% of cases, “the day before” is relevant, but if your payday falls on or near to a weekend - it’s not super clear how things would land, intuitively, and especially when Bank Holidays fall in the mix, double confusing. Does Get Paid Early work on Bank Hols or No? etc etc.

I just had a look through the data set I pulled together for this tool just to see how many “non intuitive” early pay days three are. About 100 that are 3 days before your actual pay day (assuming mostly weekends), and 15 days that are more than that.

How many days early you can get paid Frequency
1 199
2 53
3 98
4 9
5 6
6 0
7 0

With the bank holiday upon us, I’m going to pin this topic for any new visitors.

I’ll make sure to do this each time we have one coming up but open to idea of permanently having this pinned :thinking:

Pinning the Paid Early Calculator :thinking:
  • Permanently pinned :round_pushpin:
  • Make AlanDoe update it every month manually :upside_down_face:

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