FYI - We don't support iOS 13 (yet!)

I have an Android emulator on my Mac, does that count? :wink: I haven’t been on Android since it made it’s first appearance on the trusty T-Mobile/HTC G1 :fire:

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Which one, and is it working with macOS Catalina? :joy:

Bluestacks (and yes) :computer:

Don’t restore 
 choose update and then select the IPSW file.

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I’m not restoring or updating anything :wink: (and I’m sure you know what I meant)

With Monzo, maybe. But not necessarily all other apps.

Ingress players who chose to install the latest Android beta found their accounts getting banned. Niantic, the developers, had to spread a press release throughout their player community warning everyone not to use the beta :sweat_smile:

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Already a thread from someone who can’t transfer money from a pot into their account and can’t downgrade until the weekend - sigh

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There almost needs to be warning messages before you install the beta to warn you that it might be unstable or some apps might not function as expected. :roll_eyes:


Hello my iPhone is stuck on IOS 13 till Saturday I have a direct debit about to go out tomorrow but they money for it in a pot. I can’t downgrade IOS without apple doing it due to IOS changes.

Can support move the money over as a one off from the pot to the main account?

You’d need to ask them via in app chat or email

I can’t access chat as the app won’t even open on IOS 13, what information will I need to provide over email to support?

Is there seriously a vote for a broken application feature on a beta operating system? :rofl:

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A warning was posted yesterday

People don’t care Jack - they want to live on the bleeding edge and risk issues with their PRIMARY BANKING APP.

It’s slightly more impacting than say Instagram not working :thinking:


People shouldn’t be so careless as to update to a beta operating system without checking their apps won’t function correctly. I’m pretty sure Apple also warns about this prior to download

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People need to be less judgemental about other peoples life choices :grin: .


Hi David,

We can’t do this I’m afraid, but what we could do is delete the Pot, moving everything in it back to the main balance. I’ll DM you with some instructions of what we’ll need.


If you put your phone in DFU mode you’ll be able to downgrade it.

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Definitely Fouled Up?