Fraud investigations (not Mondo specific)

Hey Richard,

I’m a Security :lock: and Fraud engineer at Mondo :bank: .

I hope you understand that I can’t talk in detail about our systems and procedures for dealing with fraud as knowledge of how they work could aid a fraudster in evading them.

We have only had a few cases of third party fraud (where one of our customers gets defrauded). The limited dataset makes it difficult to try and draw any conclusions about how the card :credit_card: details could have been compromised. We also only get a limited amount of data from our card processor, for example I’m unaware of a way that we can tell whether the merchant sent a CV2 code for verification.

Once we are fully operational and have access to more data I’d like to experiment with having a different PAN (card number) for contactless :signal_strength: / chip and pin / mag stripe /online. This would give us greater visibility :eyes: into how card details were being compromised and also reduce fraud exposure as a PAN that a fraudster could obtain via contactless would be useless to them.

I’m currently working on an improvement to our top up flow, the majority of which is a bit of a refactor on the backend to make the code simpler. It will also mean that fewer top ups will have to go via 3DS (MasterCard secure code / Verified by Visa) and those that do won’t require the card details to be reentered every time.
