Exportable shared tab and idea for 3rd party accounts

Feature Request 1: We would LOVE to be able to export the shared tabs as an excel / Google Sheet and view in more detail :microscope:

Reason: Often I’ll note down something manually from an AMEX spend, like “2023.05.02 Sainsbury’s on R’s AMEX” and only the first half of the text in legible in the iOS app. There is no way to see what else was written. Further with uneven splits and hundreds of transactions, plus inevitably missing some here and there, it is very hard to keep track of individual spending. Monzo this something you are working on? Please vote this up :top: if you’d like this too :white_check_mark:

Feature Request 2: I’d love to be able to add transactions from the other accounts, which are shown in my Monzo Premium, to our shared tab in Monzo :tada:

Reason: It would save a huge amount of admin. As it is I have to remember I used the Amex, or keep a paper receipt, and then manually create in our shared tab. That is a lot of friction. Not doing this for 4 years means an enormous sum needs to be manually created. And an enormous room for error! Feels like an easy change to code. But is it?:crossed_fingers:

Our use case:

  • My partner and I use the Monzo iOS app.

  • I have a Monzo premium account, mainly for travel insurance but it’s also great to see my 3rd party accounts in one place :ok_hand:

  • My partner and I have used shared tab to share our family expenses over the last 4 years. We have a joint account too but that is for huge costs and direct debits - mortgage, insurance, childcare and bills :money_with_wings:

  • However our shared tab is a way to capture all the groceries, baby clothes, etc, much of which we initially buy on Amex to get some Avios and companion vouchers :airplane:

Thanks so much for reading and please vote up if you want to see these features!

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Idea 1:

Idea 2:

It’s generally better to just upvote existing suggestions than generate fragmentation so more ideas get fewer votes.

And generally one idea per post also helps keep track of what people are voting for.

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