I can provide some clarity about this. We won’t have a running balance “next to each transaction” on the home of the app. This is something we think adds very little new information (most of it is available on the pulse graph anyway) and would take too much room and cognitive load (the balance would compete with the actual transactions amounts).
However, this information will be available for those that want it. You’ll be able to opening the detail view of a transaction and see the full payment cycle for that transaction and, of course, it will also be there when exporting data or generating PDF statements
We hope that’s enough for people to audit that everything adds up and get some peace of mind. The rationale here is that, even for those power users that really want to see that all the figures are correct, after a few checks here and there they will eventually trust Monzo is keeping an accurate tally, the same way you trust any other app receipt, etc. Hope it makes sense