I apologise - I did mean to follow up on that, but it got away from me. Totally my fault! In future, feel free to ping me again if you’re waiting for a follow up
So, basically no, we didn’t take the feedback into consideration and the reason why is because it has come up before a few times and we feel it doesn’t fit into our brand and our ethos of inclusivity.
Pulling features and only offering them to those willing to pay a cost isn’t inclusive. Even a small fee can be a lot for people on low income, and we don’t wish to exclude them for not being able to pay, or even those who simply aren’t willing to do it, when there’s so many other ways for us to make revenue.
It just doesn’t feel like the right thing for us to do. The full Monzo experience should be accessible to all.
If anything - we’re exploring going in the other direction entirely. So at the moment you need to be able to pass our IDV checks to have a Monzo account. That also creates exclusion for those who may not have the required ID, which is an under-served sector in itself. That might include refugees, or people in abusive/controlling relationships, and many other people.
So one thing we’ve discussed recently is - what can we offer to them? Which parts of our app fall under the regulations that require such stringent ID checks and which parts don’t? Would we be able to offer a “stripped-down” version of our app, with some low limits and perhaps just incoming/outgoing payments and P2P? Or whichever features we can build in that allows us to offer a “Monzo Lite” experience that’s helpful and accessible to people that for whatever reason aren’t able to open a full account?