No idea if this will take on, or even if we have people who do stuff like this. But I would love to see peoples Data Visualisations on absolutely anything. I’ll kick it of with some Home Assistant, PRTG and SmokePing ones
I turn anything into a chart lol.
I built a Twitter usage stats dashboard before Elon pulled the plug on the API.
This is how often I tweeted in each hour of each weekday:
I like how it shows the trends of me getting up later at weekends, tweeting less during the afternoon on weekdays, and being up later on Friday to Sunday. Also how I had never once tweeted between 05:00 and 06:00.
Ha same, love a good chart!
I use to love using the twitter API, but good old Elon with his wisdom/Wallet
You both would be really popular on the Dull mens club page on Facebook .
I also like a decent chart.
Whats the link, for a friend obviously
More like the subreddit that carries literally this name and exists for exactly the same purpose.
This is how my home assistant dashboard is looking nowadays. Still working on the details around how the battery charging/discharging is visualised but it’s getting there.
Nice! Love the effort there - top notch
I’ve… gone the other way now - HA still there just-in-case - but pulled all device control and automations into Google Home, so the FamW can have a go without questions. HA graphs are interesting but don’t add anything to the day-to-day.
The one thing I’m missing is a Google Home trigger which is dependant on Agile Octopus slots.If I had that level of ‘If-price-is-less-than-[‘x’] for [‘y’]-then…’ in Google Home, it’d be
Especially if I could tell Gemini what to switch on or charge depending on the lowest price slots
I would love to know how you setup the floor layout section!
How quick is it to load?
Floor layout section is done using picture element cards.
I’m a graphic designer, so I used Adobe illustrator to make custom assets for the floorplan of my groundfloor.
I uploaded the pngs to Imgur, in this album, then used the picture elements card to determine which images to include in the stack based on the state of certain entities. Lamp on? Make the image of the lamp being on visible. That kind of thing.
It all runs pretty quickly. Here is a quick screen capture showing me opening the app and toggling a lamp, it looks smoother in real life. Imgur: The magic of the Internet
That is so slick.
Way beyond me tbh no good at graphics lol