I think the Coral Crew, who do this without renumeration (and I don’t believe they get perks at all, maybe some merch but nothing tangible?) do a great job with a very vocal and opinionated set of people in this forum. I include myself in that last statement.
I don’t think Monzo should have employees on here, there are other official channels through which they can communicate, so the fact that some of the Monzo team will post updates on here is fantastic and must be terrifying for them, given how quick we all are to rip apart their hard work.
I don’t know anyone who, as a professional, enjoys criticism about their work, yet many of the Monzo team willingly come on here and open themselves up for that. I hope that never changes, but I fear if Monzo took over running this community, it would or at the very least, it would change the approach of both them and us.
I think there are other ways this community could help itself, a recent post has several suggestions, so perhaps that’s a better place for us to focus?