Confirmed expections before the end of 2017 (Open Wiki)

@Naji appreciate transparent roadmap but there have been things posted in 3-6 months time line but weren’t done or still not available :hushed:

@Monza I updated this personally after chatting with the product managers last month so should be pretty accurate now :slightly_smiling_face: Things do change at short notice though as you will have seen historically!


Nope! Still works in-app, sending to a prepaid user and a current account user (latest testflight + app store release).

Yeah, but those people really don’t exist :joy: — you had to have a prepaid card to get a current account card in the first place, since all prepaid users are migrating first :thinking:

Overdrafts are marked as done, I get that they exist. But as Android users can’t apply maybe they shouldn’t be marked done?

It adds to the sense that we’re being forgotten.

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Incorrect, there were a few people who had reached the top of the queue, but hadn’t made the topup yet, those skipped the prepay and went straight to the CA


I am on Android so maybe iOS is bit ahead. I can do Monzo-to-Monzo payments but no yet.

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But Naji, it’s all a bit vague though… 3-6 months is a huge window when some of the features are expected within days.

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There will be a blog post in the next week or so which should give some more detailed updates of our plans for the rest of 2017! @tristan is working on it :slightly_smiling_face:


Neither of these are available in iOS yet either.

Edt: Well, it has an overdrafts button that tells you the feature is under test and not yet available.

I’m sure I’ve seen screenshots of iOS direct debits with, ‘last paid’, and other info on it?

It is possible I saw a preview or just imagined it though.

OK, it does have a ‘last payment date’ attached but no other info yet (other than a cancel button). I rather hope we’re going to get a bit more than that.

The Android app is just the transaction list, the transaction information screen with the map and stuff, a list of direct debits and payees, the screen with the options to freeze your card and the basic spending category breakdown bit.

That’s literally it. The only screen with any additional info is the transaction screen with the map.

If you click on a direct debit you get a box with ‘cancel direct debit?’

It’s been this way since I signed up over a year ago. The only development we’ve had is when the list of direct debits appeared with the current account preview and obviously Android Pay - which was very welcome, but isn’t part of or related to the app.

The Pulse graph and Targets are the only obvious differences since Pots are coming to both and (I think) travel reports have (temporarily?) disappeared from iOS with the loss of the prepaid card.

iOS does have account details under each payee in the list (which the CA preview didn’t have).

I’m still waiting for the ‘Android pay on iOS’ release :wink:

The real test will be when current accounts go public.

Will they bring parity? And at least make sure that all the features of a basic account with a legacy bank are there on both (DDs, standing orders, payments, overdraft, secure code, IBAN, CASS)?

Will they stamp ‘beta’ or work in progress all over it, potentially putting people off?

Or will they do a Starling and only have a few hard to find references to it being a beta buried on the website? Meaning lots of people sign up and are then disappointed when they discover basic features are missing?

I think this is more critical for Monzo since they’ve had a lot more publicity and are higher profile than Starling.

Those aren’t the only two options :wink:

They can launch a fully functional UK current account which isn’t in beta to the general public

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Not necessarily :slight_smile: Every rule has exceptions.

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That was the first option :wink:

I totally wasn’t bothered about timescales anymore. Until I had two direct debits rejected because they went out on payday.

I kind of thought, that shouldn’t have happened because it’d be fine in any other bank. Then thought, but if I’d had a small overdraft it wouldn’t have happened here, even though it wouldn’t anyway. Then that got me thinking again.

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It does feel like updating the app isn’t that critical. Sorting out things like direct debit reference numbers and payment references seem fairly important, but they still aren’t done.

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