(Alex Sherwood)
12 January 2017 12:11
Looks like Monzo’s on a bit of a roll here
a key player in refactoring our concept of personal financial services/banking which gets a commendation for 2016 performance (nigh on 84,000 customers from a standing start) is Monzo which gets my award fot [sic] Best Fintech To Watch 2017
You can listen to Tom’s recent interview with the London FinTech podcast here -
An in depth interview with @tom for the new year from the London Fintech Podcast .
Reformation or refactoring of banking is the Holy Grail of the Fintech Revolution. Do that and the revolution is a big deal. Get nowhere near and its all rather marginal. So-called challenger banks have ended up rather same-y. Will “App-only” banks end up going down the same route forced my micro-regulation and micro-supervision into the same tight mould. Or will they somehow remain within the constraints …