Hey everyone
So much happens here on the Community, and we don’t want you to miss a thing
That’s why we bring you a roundup of the best content from across the forum. So here’s the good stuff you need to check out:
- Apple Pay is now available! This has been one of our most-requested features here on the forum, with the longest thread being over 2750 posts long! Come and give us your comments here and stay tuned for some news soon about what we’re working on next…
- We relaunched our Community Leaders programme. Meet the Coral Crew! We added two new faces to the Crew too, @evangelskies and @Rat_au_van - and we can’t wait to see what they bring to the forum. If you’d like to get involved someday, there’s some more info here.
- It’s Mental Health Awareness Week! As well as a series of posts on our blog, we’ve also asked you for your tips and ways of dealing with stress. Thanks to everyone who’s got involved
- Our Vulnerable Customers team took over our Twitter this week, and also came to the Community to answer your questions.
- We held at event at our office to talk about stress. Catch up with the full stream here.
And just for fun:
Having launched our most-requested feature, our social media team took to the rooftops to let off some steam:
See you next week