Collected Thoughts on Card Design (Part 2)

Wanted to do a Card Collection Update but can’t find them all.

I know their is more somewhere

Loving the debit card of Santander in Chile showing macaw feathers.


Really nice card. Loving the design Santander has at the moment. Easily the best imo


Love this one, don’t love the Granny Sheen card so much that we get in the UK.

Just looked at this photo I posted the other day, and after reading the title/sentence case debate in another thread, couldn’t help but notice…

Clarity Credit


“Clarity” is more of a product name here, but why not “Clarity credit” to be consistent with “credit”, or have “current”.

Also, the black “credit” is a different font!

What a mess.

I guess actually it’s just the black one that’s the odd one out, different font and casing, while the two blue ones match.

However also the spacing above “Current” is smaller, it’s tighter against the edge.


the “credit” on the black one is the MC font, whereas on the blue ones its the Halifax font.

Although the blue ones have different chips, and the text is in a different place. So much inconsistency :joy:


Ah yes you’re right, I knew it looked familiar.

You really don’t want to look at the first direct cards then…

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Lol yeah, the credit card hasn’t been updated in forever, pretty sure it’s the same design I first had when I opened it in 2014.

Think my NatWest credit card is also the Mastercard font? But it’s capitalised here

Yes I think it’s the MC font.

Cuz that’s NatWest with capital used letter, and then here’s Starling’s (which is definitely the MC font)

The way the “t” curves on the NatWest is very similar to the “t” on the MC. And the length of the - & – either side of the | on the “t”.


Where? The lowercase t is more elongated than the MC font. The tail also curves differently.

Card Collection February 2025

I will await the questions of why I do this :sweat_smile:


Nice collection!

Just a few comments on the cards.

I saw the FlexDirect card for the first time in real life and not really a fan of the colour. Just reminds me of toothpaste for some reason.

I really like the Bank of Scotland designs but wish they didn’t have the white logo in the middle. The effect HSBC uses on their Global Money cards would work so well here.

I think I’ve kinda gone off both Natwest and RBS branding. At first, I really liked the more modern look they were going for (although never liked Natwest debit design) but there’s something about it now that doesn’t really work for me. Kinda just seems less professional or something? Not sure.

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Do you plan to get the PaysafeCard MasterCard at some point?

I’ll add it to the Business Account yeah :sweat_smile:

Full set of MyGuava I see, but no Zero (yet).

I have reached the MyGuava Card limit :sweat_smile:

How did you manage to get your hands on a Holt’s card? Has a nice design :+1:

Also, I am happy Bank of Scotland embressed blue skies a few years ago!Just realised from images, most of their old designs were with cloudy skies. They look so much better now!