Thanks for the feedback - good to hear you’re running OK
Ok. So I’ve checked. I’ve double checked. These Cashback offers are personalised. I’ve made sure. And Monzo has promised.
I’ve got another two weeks with Monica Vinader.
I think there’s a misconception about what “personalised” means here. It’s not
hey, here are some offers for merchants that you use every day, please rinse every penny from us
but rather
hey, you haven’t spent a lot of money here, why not try buying something and we’ll throw in a small incentive
It would make zero sense from a commercial viewpoint to give you cashback at places you already spend at.
Lidl, sports direct, deliveroo and Argos for me this time. They’ll do nicely
Although I don’t particularly like Mr Ashley’s Tat Empire I need a few bits for my holidays so the Sports Direct one will get used as will Lidl
10% at Lego when speeding over £100 was rather nice to sort out the kids birthday presents. One of which I’ve got another 2.5 months to hire that she doesn’t sneak and try and open it beforehand.
Then after that offer was finished I got a similar offer but at 5%.
Grab a coffee and find out!
I have the same thing on my Monzo app. Unfortunately my nearest Starbucks is almost half an hour away, and I don’t really have time to go and test this theory.
The first theory I tested is if it even lets you add both to the account, and sure enough it does…
I think that the transaction can/would only “pull” one of the cashback offers onto the transaction - I am happy to be proven wrong, and I actually really want to see what the app does.
The Starbucks here isn’t walking distance, it’s on an Asda car park
On a separate note - 50% cashback at Vodafone. Albeit there’s a £10 limit, but even so.
(i did get excited and wonder if I could get a half price phone, it turns out I cannot)
(unless it’s a £20 phone)
Say no more, it’s the first date kinda spot?
I lie; it is walking distance just being lazy
Not much into a car park date, certainly not with the Wrexham bunch
I’ll cancel my train ticket there then.
I’ve clearly been spoiled by Welcome to Wrexham
I may be bias but Wrexham doesn’t have that much going for it IMO.
The football really has brought it more to the map.
If charity shops and coffee shops are your thing; you’re onto a winner!
The market reopens soon so that’s something, and there’s plenty bars and pubs all along the one main road to enjoy.
If you have the Starbucks app and topup your Starbucks card that works for cashback, I topup for the month to max the cashback offer
I can’t afford Starbucks.
The new salted caramel latte in Greggs isn’t bad at all.
There’s 6% off at Greggs too
(for me anyway)
Not for me unfortunately, even though I purchase an item there almost every day (it’s an unhealthy addiction, I know)
Which is why you don’t have it.