Cannot select an account to incl in trend graph

Hey! I love the trends tab. I’ve got 5 accounts I used to see consolidated in the trends tab a Barclays CC, a Barclays savings account, AMEX, a Lloyds account and the Monzo account.

For the current month of the Trends tab, in target I can see that Barclays CC is not being included for some reason. I can see it in the Filter for the Target but am unable to select it as the tick box is grey instead of blue. I can see it’s being included in prior months though.

Any help is great!

Does it need refreshing as a connected account? (scroll through the carousel until you get to your Barclaycard card, then can you see transactions under it or does the connection need to be refreshed?)

Connected accounts only last a while (90 days?) before they need to be refreshed - by you giving permission to the other bank account(s) to be accessed & viewed by Monzo.

It’s working! I had to reset the trend from where I could select and deselect accounts.

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