You see, I knew once I’d set out the challenge, I’d come up short…
(Ridiculous name for a snail - now a whelk…that’s different).
You see, I knew once I’d set out the challenge, I’d come up short…
(Ridiculous name for a snail - now a whelk…that’s different).
Jeremy was allowed outside because he’s gained .3kg! (They’re indoor cats and supervised outside) he is the recent expensive vet visit cat. He lost weight and muscle mass. He didn’t understand me when I said he could go outside if he put on weight. But he kept up his side of the bargain so I had to.
Also ignore my face( I couldn’t see taking.the.pic), but Jeremy is beautiful.
Hello from Sebastian x
Here are my two!
Does this count?
What’s it like on the lead?
Looks like it bytes
Smokey & Ellie
Sneaking suspicion these two are related?
Your suspicion would be correct! They were the last two left, so couldn’t separate these two ️
Quite right too
A much missed bear, 55kg of amazingly intelligent grumpiness!
This is Ozzy, our new pug puppy.
And this is our Budgie meeting the puppy for the first time. (with the Conure in the background feeling sorry for himself having a cone on his head!)
And yes my cat is on a leash
This thread is giving me life. I spend so much time on r/awww and now there’s this thread! Yes please !
Let this thread run and run…
My buddy Levi… He turns 5 in a couple of weeks
What a cute pupper
5 months or 5 years? He looks so young!