✅ Bill Pots (previously Committed Spending Pot)

No they have no advanced notice of them, it’s just like a shop transaction in that respect

I forget if something is a DD or card payment until it’s been taken a lot of the time. Might lead to issues if not all payment types were supported

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If you say so. It works at other banks, though.

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But with those banks, people aren’t able to create and close accounts at will… With pots as bank accounts, people could effectively open an account for 5 seconds. What about the checks… Plus, as soon as an account number is used - and cancelled… it can no longer be used by anyone. Monzo has one sort code - so a finite number of accounts… Its a way to burn through account numbers…


Wow, that sounds rough. Not a solution by any means, but would it help if Monzo had a way of differentiating these on the committed spending screen, for example different text colours, an icon to denote whether a committed spend transaction is card or DD or even separate sections for DDs and card transactions? I know it’s not a fix, but maybe it’s a step in the right direction?

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A list in the Committed Spend pot details screen of all the payments due to leave the pot could help with this.

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Only if Monzo allow them to. Presumably they wouldn’t.

But how would Monzo be able to tell how long someone plans to keep an account open for? Or, indeed, whether the person needs the second account number in the first place?


Under what you propose, If you have 5 direct debits - and want them to come out of 5 different pots, you’d need 5 accounts… Its uworkable… You don’t need Pots to be accounts.


Customer requests a committed spend pot, if they later don’t want to use it, it can be hidden.

I never suggested that at all. It’s a committed spend pot (singular).

Anyway. I’ve said my piece, and I’m out. Good afternoon, both. :+1:


Even simpler solution more work for you but still works :joy:

Create ur own “committed spending” pot
Set dates of DD’s and what you have in committed spending to hit main account on due date

Simples :joy::joy::joy:

@Juggy69 A lot of my DDs come out on different dates each month, though. I’d have to be constantly checking my feed to see if the request has come through. And in @Rat_au_van’s case:

For direct debits yes, but half of my recurring payments are card payments which don’t work on the same 3 day cycle and can have an irregular payment pattern. Afaik that’s what is causing the main problem

So do I, and I have created pot/s currently for each DD, 1st of every month £x goes to pot/s in readyness for the DD date, I then set a scheduled withdrawal date from the pot/s to the main account, as the pot/s transfer to the main account befroe DD’s are taken.

I have 4 recurring card payments from streaminig services and they range from the 28th of the month to the 2nd, again plan from the 1st of the month :wink:

But for most of my DDs, I don’t know when in the month they will be going out. How am I supposed to schedule withdrawals if I don’t know when the money’s going out? Like I said, am I supposed to continuously monitor my feed to see if the “X DD is coming out tomorrow” notification is there? That sort of defeats the object of a committed spending pot. It’s supposed to make life easier, not harder.

Aside from the DDs I can’t change (namely the ones that have irregular payment dates; I have spoken with the companies in question at length and they either can’t or won’t do anything to change it), I do plan around the 1st of the month as my payday is the last working day. I plan my budget out as soon as I know what my wage slip will be (we have access to them digitally the day before we are paid).

I would just like the security of knowing that my recurring payment money is ring-fenced from my spendable cash, as unfortunately I live in a fairly dodgy area and have friends who’ve had their accounts emptied as a result of having their cards/wallet stolen. One of my friends didn’t realise their wallet was gone until the next day. This was right after payday, too, so they were really up the metaphorical creek without a paddle. Thankfully, they had parents who could bail them out, but I don’t have that luxury. If anything goes wrong, I’m on my own and would therefore like to have tools to help prevent such things if worse comes to worst.

It’s not that I’m incapable of following a budget. Before I moved out of my mother’s house, I was the one handling the household budget and making sure bills got paid as my mother is mentally incapable of doing so. I still have to remind her to pay things, even though it’s been four years since I left.


so now because you are saying you live in a dodger area you want all the money transferred into a committed spending pot or you still have to manually shift money across, and to be fair unless you had ur phone stolen also you would see notifications of transactions via card, it’s not a legacy bank :joy:

Everyone will know roughly where £x amount is going each month and previous paid DD’s show date and £x amount paid, now in 2019 I have had 3 DD’s that had a different 1st payment to the 2nd with one on going monthly as this is for the council tax and is associated with wages.

For example you get £1000 last day of month you have £300 going out on 1st via DD’s and a further £400 going out later in month, so 1st of month you transfer £400 to A or multiple pots, then set a schedule payment for each required amount to be returned to main account and you only need to do this once per DD or Card payment.

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Live notifications only work if you’re there to see them or if you don’t have do not disturb turned on. I work in a secure office where we have to keep our phones in lockers or face disciplinary action. We can only take them out on our breaks. And I’m not saying I live in a dodgy area, I do live in a dodgy area.

Yes, I do know how much is going where each month. It’s when the money goes out that makes it difficult to schedule pot withdrawals. If DD A goes out once a month but on a different day each time, how would you predict when to make the withdrawal for that specific direct debit? It’s all well and good when you know what date it’s due. Until Monzo receive the next request for DD, they just predict that it will go out the same date the following month. Which, in these cases, is wrong.

Your scenario works fine if you know in advance when the DD is going out. The issue is that I don’t know what day to schedule for on a given month as it changes every month with me having no way of knowing when to withdraw from the pot.

Is the concept of a committed spending pot that does it automatically such a bad thing?

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But you have the same for every DD regardless its called the weekend and you do not get a notification of date change :wink:

I’m not taking about variances caused by weekends; I can predict that pretty easily. Some direct debits just run on irregular schedules. Like I say, I do know for the most part what my DDs will be in terms of amount and factor this into my budget accordingly, it’s all about the “when” for me with regard to scheduling the money to come out of pots. I guess I am a bit OCD in that regard. I like to have everything neatly sorted so I don’t have to worry about it.

Regardless of whether there are possible workarounds its not unreasonable to want new or improved features.

That’s the goal of monzo right? Improve banking?


Bit of an old post but this is why I’ve not moved over to Monzo fully yet. I need to have a separate account that I can pay all the bills from. Now we have a joint account maybe I’ll move everything to my old personal account…? But if we could have a 2nd account of which to pay bills, that would be ideal.


This is my preferred option as well. Pots are good but always visible (even if locked). I have a ‘dump and forget’ bill account I drop money in every month to cover all my personal bills, I do the same into our joint :monzo: account and use my personal :monzo: account for daily spending/shopping.