Better way to balance your money in Trends is here ⚖️


Pretty please @avb and @RoreEricaOkoh


:person_raising_hand: would be nice to have it, to review it !

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Yep my biggest problem with trends by far :face_holding_back_tears:

It’s alright having the bells and whistles, but if you can’t have a pay period to consolidate a balance then it’s pretty worthless imho.


Still nada for me… I wonder if there will be another big wave today.


Still nothing for me too! Hope for today, although I did get Trends 3 months after the initial release, so I must be on some sort of list of shame!


Another day, Still no new Trends.


Hey! :wave:

Thanks for reporting, we’re having some trouble replicating this one, could you let me know which device/OS you’re using? :pray:



Any idea when more people will be getting this?



I’m running the latest TestFlight and on the latest Dev Beta of iOS. It seems to happen most when you drag it from the end of the line and it’s (as you have found) very intermittent.

I should note it doesn’t effect the functionality or usability at all, just looks a little strange :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting back to me.

Sounds like you’re on iOS 16 :eyes:
We don’t officially support it yet but we should have most of these ironed out by the time it reaches it public release


Hey - I certainly am (and thanks for supporting that btw!) - I mentioned it cause I didn’t think that the iOS version would affect the app functionality. But it could be.

Thanks for the great engagement - love to see it :clap:


So other folks have covered most things already and I don’t want to rehash those things. Listen to @Peter_G and you won’t go far wrong Monzo!

I’m still playing with this and getting to grips with it, and my impressions so far are very positive. Like really really positive. It’s my favourite feature by quite a margin.

I especially love that I no longer need to choose between bill pots vs summary. There was no coherence there. Both were two halves of the ideal solution and neither alone were particularly useful. But Trends has the coherence summary lacks. Because Bills pots are there, and you can turn em on or off as you need. It’s very lovely. It works great and is so much better for me.

Now for my critiques.

To dial this up to 11 it needs a few things.

  • The estimated balance at the end of the month, is I presume, the left to spend replacement figure. I’d like that to be made more distinct.
  • The ability to earmark subscriptions that fall beyond Monzo’s current limits for tracking them, such as my dog poop bags every 10 weeks, or my cat food every 7 weeks.
  • The ability to recognise or declare income frequency and amount to track that too. (And the ability to toggle this on or off).
  • The interface here has the potential to fix my big peeve with summary. Let me look further into the future please! The idea of reaching the end of the month and not being able to glimpse at the next at all is so anxiety inducing. Just add another card to the right of the current month that continues the dotted grey line into the next month. That would be a huge improvement for me.

I’d also love to see a compacted version of the pulse replace the left to spend bar on the home tab, but please don’t ditch the left to spend value. To me, that’s my true real time balance.

This little icon that shows up for connected accounts:

It takes me right to the balance view of trends and highlights only that account. This needs to be applied to pots and the Monzo account too. I presume the latter will naturally come when summary is replaced anyway.

There’s a downside here though. Tapping this icon overrides whatever accounts and pots you’d have set manually. It needs to not do that. It’s useful to have one tap access to a specific account or pot, but it’s annoying that it overrides the accounts and pots I normally have selected.

I think tapping it should show the pulse for just that account, but it shouldn’t save that selection, and instead default back to the accounts I’d selected myself when I go to trends the normal way.

This also bothers me more than it probably should. I’m not sure how necessary this text is, but I don’t like that it doesn’t quite fit.

Also, thank you for not paywalling this. You’ve got the freemium model right on this one, and I’d encourage you to apply this to the spending section too. The historic view is something I love and that alone adds incredible value to plus for me. And it does that without hobbling the experience for standard users. Well done. Please do the same with the spending bar charts.

With the cost of living crisis, this is going to be an invaluable tool for many, I suspect. It’s been so well made and it works well, especially with how it integrates with bills pots.

This is in my opinion, the best piece of software Monzo have shipped. I can’t overstate that. Please don’t abandon it. Keep improving it and maintaining it. And tap @while-loop’s brain. There are some things their DASBudget app does that could really elevate this feature. Especially as you bring the rest of summary’s feature set into this.

Adopt their Free-to-Spend wording! I’m sure they won’t cease and desist you like Simple did! :wink:
The psychology behind the word choice is pretty important, playing back into cost of living issues. Monzo’s wording has, to me, always felt like it encouraged you to spend. I think replacing Left with Free would fix that issue here. Left makes me feel like I’m supposed to spend (several folks have at times come on here with that same interpretation, questioning it, over the years), but free doesn’t. This suggestion is probably slightly off track, but thought I’d include it here with the rest of my thoughts.


Great review. Makes me want it even more.

Now go sleep! :sleeping:


Another day, another disappointment? We will see, I guess. I wonder when “full rollout” will have occurred…


Fingers crossed today is the day :crossed_fingers:


Where we at then?

  • I can has it
  • I don’t have a pulse

0 voters

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Flatline :frowning:

(I wonder if it would help if I yelled “Clear!” and put my phone on charge?)



Hopefully today will be more trends day.


Another day, more disappointment.