Currently got Nova installed along with Smart Drawer, the latter keeps playing up lately, they’ve not updated it for a few months so more and more bugs keep slowly appearing.
I’m just trying Smart Launcher at the moment which is decent but doesn’t offer up enough widget screens.
Not sure what I’m going to try next, so thought see what others are running.
I used to constantly switch launchers too, but if I’m honest it seems to only be Nova that’s solid.
Honestly, with my Pixel 5, I’m happy with the Pixel launcher. It’s smooth.
I’ve been on Nova since before i can remember, it’s good. It’s more the Smart Drawer app that’s annoying me with it’s bugs. It’s not been actively developed at the moment as they’re testing a new launcher.
I’m starting to lean to smart launcher at the moment just because that’s got the same app drawer built in which works. Might have to man up and pay just to get the extra widget space
So it’s been a while but I’m all in with Smart launcher, the thing that finally sold it for me, was the major update it received, to a completely new version number. It’s a massive improvement on what it used to be, totally offers so many different options to customise your phone home screen.
Another minor update a few months back, introduced widget stacks, which I’d overlooked for some reason until today. Basically it’s multiple different widgets all contained within one widget screen.
I’m still playing with it, but example below, I used to have a weather widget, then below this a widget of the sun & moon times for rising & setting.