Any more details Android + iOS crowdfunding @hugo can we get some previews
Hey Adam, we’re looking to launch our next crowdfunding round in the next couple of months🙌! We want to make sure the process is more democratic this time, and will be communicating how best to get involved with plenty of time to spare. This may be via e-mail, via the app, via our social media platforms or most likely a combination!
@Naji Is there a hard limit for what will be invested in total? As in, if that target is reached before I get there I miss out?
Even though I’m very fresh user and still getting to know Monzo, I’m keen to participate.
I really hope it’s accessible for everyone without a hassle.
Does the integration with the iOS & Android apps mean you will not be working with Crowdcube?
Crowdcube is decent @tristan
I wanted to get involved last time with the crowdfunding. How about this time not having a limit maybe so that everyone gets a chance to invest as id love to but can’t always be around especially with my work. It defiantly needs to be made fairer this time around.