An option to send someone money in another currency for splitting bills on holiday

Whether that would be actually sending in that currency, or just having it do a calculation based on current exchange rates and sending in gbp is up to you.

From ‘Home’:

  • tap on ‘Payments’
  • tap on ‘Pay someone’
  • tap on ‘Transfer internationally’ select what you want to send (in GBP) to the destination currency (drop-down selection), accepting the Transfer fee and live exchange rate
  • tap on ‘Continue’ and follow instructions to transfer: select ‘Recipient type’, ‘Name’ and (if ‘Inside Europe’ is selected, enter the ‘IBAN’, or if ‘Outside Europe’ is selected, enter both the ‘SWIFT’ and ‘IBAN’), create the payee & woosh - transfer away!
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I probably could’ve specified more, this came about from wanting to pay people with a UK account when splitting on a holiday. So while nice, that current option isn’t quite what I’m looking for, especially with the fee

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Monzo doesn’t charge fees for overseas spending (when spending in local currency), so while on hols you can spend in the local currency (never with the 'converted-to-GBP-option), then split the resolved-to-GBP transactions with the UK people.

In theory - and I’ve never tried this myself to be clear - the splitees would pay the GBP amount of their split, once Monzo had converted the local currency transaction amount to GBP with no fees.

EDIT: Ignore this :point_up: - I see you are a splitee trying to pay someone with a UK account. I don’t think that can be done without complications unless they also have Monzo?

Pretty sure this is how it works, tried this out recently with some friends using Split Tab abroad

Finally got them to join Monzo directly after my account was frozen twice for using my link to split drinks, next time we’re away will all be Monzo users!

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