A trio of industry-first security tools to help stop fraudsters in their tracks 🔐

Hi, you are welcome! I would be happy to beta test for you guys, if there is any way I can get involved, please let me know! Also, will you take a look at making the signup process more accessible? This has needed to be revamped for years, as it is an absolute nightmare to sign up for an account! Thanks, Jade.


Hey Jade,

I’ve passed your feedback on to the team that owns our signup process, and they’re going to include it in their thinking as they plan improvements. They may also reach out via community to invite you to a future research session! :pray:



This is great news, keeping my fingers crossed that I will hear from them soon! Thanks.

Hello, just here to report a possible bug in this feature. I enabled the added controls and my limit is £500 per day. Today I made a transfer for just over £300 and was asked to go via the added security feature process to verify the payment, which was unexpected.

In addition, my remaining allowance did not drop.

For context, this was a one-off payment scheduled in advance.


I set up a scheduled monthly payment for £55 and had to get my wife to approve the setup. My limit for added security is £1,000.

Hey @doublemp & @projectfortytwo :wave:

When scheduling a payment or transfer, we always ask for your chosen added security checks and we don’t decrease your allowances.

Scheduled payments (both one-off and recurring) work a little differently because they can be created and changed in advance, and we don’t want to risk delaying your payments by running added security checks each time they are paid if they exceed your allowance on that particular day.


Thanks @priyesh, this makes sense, maybe it would just be good to clarify this during the enrollment.

Also, in my case I only had one off non-repeating payment, so maybe there should be an exemption for this particular scenario too.

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Thanks for the explanation @priyesh, that makes perfect sense. Obvious once you’re told, really :blush:

Really like these added checks, seem well thought out.


A good idea in principle, but in practice, these controls interrupted my payment flow too much. Regardless of the payment value or my allowances set, it asked me to choose a control each time (even if making a payment for a £1). I don’t need 2 extra steps (or 3 extra screens) just to validate that I’m home (or in a known location). I’d rather it just automatically did this check without making a fuss, then alert me if I need to also use a Secret QR code. So I’ve disabled it for time being. Hopefully this feature will improve as time goes on…

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Hey @PalmTree88 This sounds unexpected — added security should only apply to payments over your daily allowances, or when creating and editing scheduled payments of any value. Could you let me know if you were making a regular payment or setting up a scheduled payment?

Just to add my experience here - the limit seems to be cumulative (which is correct, otherwise a scammer would empty your account with lots of smaller transactions)

So you will get prompted for smaller transactions if your daily limit is breached

So far I’ve found the additional security process seamless (except for Apples location prompt… for some reason my brain keeps clicking on the deny button but Monzo have a helpful “retry” button for morons like me) and it helps reassure me that account takeover scammers have an extra hurdle to jump.

Hi Priyesh. It’ll be because I need to amend scheduled (fortnightly) payments quite often (to align with some dates I have for appointments) - so that’ll be why. Thanks for the insight. For that reason, I’ll leave it turned off for now.

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Hi for some reason all my additional security controls have disappeared and the app is asking me to set them up again - any ideas what might have happened?

Hey @pshores :wave:

There are two main explanations for this:

  • If you recently turned off the feature your setup will be reset. This means that you’ll lose your configured factors and allowances and have to set them up again to turn it back on
  • We currently only support personal accounts for added security so if you have multiple account types (like a business account) you should check that you’re checking the right one

If it isn’t either of these feel free to DM me your email address, I can to take a closer look to see exactly what happened :slight_smile:

How would I have turned them off? If I did it was accidental for sure…

I don’t think you can turn them off accidentally. Pretty sure if you try to disabled the checks, you will have to pass one of the checks to do so. Which makes sense of course.

In which case I never did which is weird but thanks!

I’ve setup added security with a limit set to £500, can I just confirm that this limit does not trigger the added security when using Tap and Go with my Monzo card at a restaurant for example?

Using what?

If you mean contactless payments using your card, those have a £100-odd limit and always have.