A big update to connected accounts

Vanquis and Zopa please

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Allow multiple connections from the same institution.


Can you not already do that? When I had a trial of Plus, I added current accounts and credit cards from the same provider, and both of my HSBC credit cards at once.

In my example - you can’t add a Barclaycard Platinum credit card in my name AND a Barclaycard Platinum credit card in MrsW’s name. It only allows one at once.

Annoying, but we live with it.


You can have multiple accounts showing with a single connection.

ie I can see all several of my NatWest accounts, or Amex accounts however if I had a separate login (partner/parents or you just have multiple), I wouldn’t be able to add this other connection without it replacing the first.

Ah okay I see what you mean, separate open banking connections.


Wouldn’t Monzo be limited by where Open Banking is at re future wishes? I’d love to see savings but OB doesn’t support that afaik so doesn’t that mean Monzo can’t add support (unless they add manual accounts)?


I think that’s right. Unless they broker individual agreements or savings providers offer their own APIs (that Monzo then want to integrate).

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I thought so thanks, but doesn’t stop us wishing!


Think its probably impossible but I’m not sure on the technicalities of it, but it would be a dream to be able to see Lifetime ISA’s, Stocks & Share ISAs and even Help to Buy ISAs in Monzo from other banks or places like Moneybox, but I don’t even think Moneybox ones have account numbers etc anyway

Edit: Forgot I raised this before Moneybox ISA Visibility etc

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Something that I want to see: keep the transaction history for connected accounts in Monzo when you disconnect / close them.

For a proper financial history, I really don’t want my data to vanish from Monzo when I close an external account and therefore can’t maintain the connection to Monzo anymore.

Emma, Lumio et al all do this. It’s a big pain point with Monzo sadly. :pensive:


My Nationwide credit card transactions are still empty :disappointed:

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Sorry, I’ve checked the thread and I’m not sure what you mean—what’s up?

There’s a thread on it here too:


This topic was my tale of losing transaction history for a connected Nationwide credit card.

I’ve just checked and I can only see three months worth of history for my Nationwide credit card. :frowning:

I raised it with support last year who told me it was being looked at.

This is a particular problem because of Trends. We need as much backdata as possible to make Trends worthwhile! (And to keep connected account data when we close those accounts, but that’s a different problem).


Thanks both. My Nationwide data is zero. I used to have all historical data but that’s gone. Each time I reconnect the account any new transactions disappear resetting it to zero data again.

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Just noticed you can now add notes :memo: to connected accounts. Liking that.


Can’t delete them though if you change your mind

Aqua’s connection has seemingly been broken for a little under a month now (tried a reconnect) :cry:

Given it’s labs where is the best place to report, here or via the in app chat? :slight_smile:


@tjvr My Virgin Money account says it’s expired even though I only connected it a week ago. I reconnect, and I immediately get told it’s expired again in app and by email. Is something wrong with the connector?